It’s still technically Halloween where I am!

It’s still technically Halloween where I am!

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

It’s still technically Halloween where I am! So how about one more Monsterhearts skin before we all take down our decorations?

Here’s The Unchained, a Jekyll-and-Hydeish treat for you. As always this skin is free to download and distribute. All feedback is welcome, especially from actual play!

The Gargoyle swoops in just before Halloween.

The Gargoyle swoops in just before Halloween.

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

The Gargoyle swoops in just before Halloween. As with all my Monsterhearts skins, it’s free to download and distribute. Please let me know if you use it in your game – good feedback helps me revise my skins and make them better!

There may be one more skin coming before the holiday, we’ll see. Revised version of Skins for the Skinless with any/all new skins added will be coming on Halloween day.

What Skin is best for dealing with problems of overweight or anorexia?

What Skin is best for dealing with problems of overweight or anorexia?

What Skin is best for dealing with problems of overweight or anorexia? 

I think a (flesh hunger) Ghoul works pretty well for anorexia since eating for them is monstrous and you want to avoid that at all cost. The fight against the hunger would be a big part of that character with monstrous stuff happening when they give in to it. 

But being a social outcast because of percived body issues? I know there are some fan made “Grotesque” type playbooks hanging out there but what else? 

You could do it with the Ghoul too i think but it would turn into just a Zombie thing pretty fast and not deal with the social stuff so much. Any suggestions? 

Of course you could play every character as overweight and self conscious about it (and a very big Choosen is a cool image) but what skin can help you focus on that? 

In time for your Halloween fun, check out my Medusa Monsterhearts skin!

In time for your Halloween fun, check out my Medusa Monsterhearts skin!

Originally shared by Brie “Beau” Sheldon

In time for your Halloween fun, check out my Medusa Monsterhearts skin!

Thanks to my awesome models, Tristan Tarwater and Julia Ellingboe, and my layout king, John Sheldon. 



Skins for the Skinless is updated, now with seven skins and MC advice for each:

Skins for the Skinless is updated, now with seven skins and MC advice for each:

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

Skins for the Skinless is updated, now with seven skins and MC advice for each:

The Beast

The Calaca

The Creature

The Fury

The Mummy

The Proxy

The Unseen

Free! Share! You know the drill.

New Patreon release (ha, I did get one in before August ended!).

New Patreon release (ha, I did get one in before August ended!).

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

New Patreon release (ha, I did get one in before August ended!). It’s a little Creature from the Black Lagoon, a little Splash, and a whole lot of angry, arrogant teenaged activist.

I’m happy with the archetypes but I am not 100% happy with the moves. I’d love any feedback on them (especially actual play feedback) and may revise the skin based on what I hear.

As always, my Skins are free – please share and gift this as much as you like. A revised Skins for the Skinless including this and the Mummy is on its way.

I did these a while back but totally forgot to share them until I was prompted yesterday.

I did these a while back but totally forgot to share them until I was prompted yesterday.

I did these a while back but totally forgot to share them until I was prompted yesterday. They are gender-swapped MH skins. So you can have a male Queen, a female Vampire or Fae etc. I’ve used them at UK cons and they seem to go down really well.

Resharing for y’all. Enjoy!

Resharing for y’all. Enjoy!

Resharing for y’all. Enjoy!

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

The Mummy for Monsterhearts is live!

For those of you who are my Patreon patrons (, thanks very much, and I’ll be getting your nanofictions out tonight. ^_^

The next skin up, based on close voting this week, will likely be The Muse, so watch for that in the next couple of weeks!

Forgot to reshare here.

Forgot to reshare here.

Forgot to reshare here.

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

Skins for the Skinless is now available for download! 

This document has all the Monsterhearts skins I’ve released so far (the Beast, the Calaca, the Fury, the Proxy, and the Unseen) collected in one convenient package.

“But Topher,” I hear you say, “I already downloaded all those. Why would I get this?” 

Because there’s new content too! An “Under the Skin” MC advice section for each playbook is included. ^_^ 

I’ll update this document as I release new skins so you can always get the compiled version if you want it. THIS IS FREE SHIT. Please share it with anyone who wants it! All I ask is that you don’t take my name off it and that you let me know how it went if you use it in a game. If you like my stuff and want to help support me in releasing more free gaming material, please consider pledging a buck or two to my Patreon campaign (


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone! I have been working on a skin of my own and have decided to post it to this community for feedback. It’s not in a pretty playbook format, which is fine, because I am most interested in what people think of the concept, the Moves, the text, etc. I’d love to make it more monstrous somehow, it almost feels a bit tame. Please let me know what you think and how it goes if you decide to use it in your game. 🙂 Thanks for your time!