A couple of questions about the Night Moves:

A couple of questions about the Night Moves:

A couple of questions about the Night Moves:

Does Wheels down always trigger Behind ennemy line or only if “you’re in immediate danger” is chosen?

How can you be Behind enemy lines whithout being going down because of Enemy Fire (then you’re always in combat zone, so always roll guts.)?

Here are the play aids I just finished for my french-speaking group of players:

Here are the play aids I just finished for my french-speaking group of players:

Here are the play aids I just finished for my french-speaking group of players:

* PC Kit (http://dudeauclavier.fr/portfolio/night-witche-aides-de-jeu-pour-les-pj/) with translation of the playbooks , a recap of Day and Night Moves + a section sheet

* GM Kit (http://dudeauclavier.fr/portfolio/nnight-witches-aides-de-jeu-mj/) with a recap of all the pc moves (ordered alphabetically) and 2 mini gm screens (illustrated): one with the Threats and one with the Agenda/Principles/GM Move and Regimental Organization

Hope it serves to others.

I just received my copy in the mail today, it looks good.

I just received my copy in the mail today, it looks good.

I just received my copy in the mail today, it looks good. I’m a longtime WW2 reader/wargamer with a side interest in women at war, so this was right in my gunsights. I ran a WWI fighter-pilot game using Savage Worlds last year, so I am looking forward most to seeing how NW executes air missions.