Just got my book! It is a thing of beauty.

Just got my book! It is a thing of beauty.

Just got my book! It is a thing of beauty.

I just sat down to watch the doco in honor of getting the book. I nearly cried. Quite a few times. Such an incredible story…

This is a special and , IMO, an important game. Thank you Jason Morningstar 



Handouts & doubts & typos

Handouts & doubts & typos

Handouts & doubts & typos

Pages from the complete, 46-pages file.


Pag. 13: In Missions, there is a “Spewcial” and a “duty station. veryone”.

Pag. 17: In Honors, it’s not said the medal doesn’t increase +medals, while in all the other it’s said.

Pag. 21: In Mission A, I guess the part “All consequences are increased by one during this mission” should be red.

Pag. 25: I guess “Wingman move” should be “Vedomaya move”.

Pag. 31: I guess “Support” should be “Vedomaya”.

Pag. 40: “after the debrEIf” (inverted letters).

Pag. 40: “choose an initial GM” seems to imply the training duty station is played without a GM.

Pag. 44: “in the form of Captain barsukova” (missing capital letters).


Pag. 18: “Adequate supplies: +0 to all Scrounge and Repair rolls.”

There is some difference between this and pag. 20, “There are no special supply rules for Peresyp’”?

Pag. 36 & 38: “As Senior Lieutenant Petrova, ask each player one question” & “As Captain Barsukova, ask each player one question”.

Questions like “What did you lie about on your regimental intake form?” and “Why does the NKVD already have a file on you, and how did you get around that black mark to join the regiment?” seems more like questions done by GM, than an NPC; the second, asked by an NKVD official, sounds almost like a request for auto-impeachment O_o

Pag. 41: “We’ll be pilots, navigators, mechanics and political oficers”.

Players characters can help mechanics, but can they also be mechanics, as an official role? O_o

Sparrow Nature: “Eyes” for “Hands”?

Sparrow Nature: “Eyes” for “Hands”?

Sparrow Nature: “Eyes” for “Hands”?

Ok, I was reading the Eyes options for the Sparrow Nature:

Eyes: Busy, precise, gnarled, manicured, expressive, cold”

… and I thought: hey, guys, maybe the list is about “hands” and not “eyes”. Am I right?

One thing I’d have loved to see in the rules are examples from real women: what was their life in the base?

One thing I’d have loved to see in the rules are examples from real women: what was their life in the base?

One thing I’d have loved to see in the rules are examples from real women: what was their life in the base? what was like being caught being a lesbian? what was like having to scrounge for parts? But with real examples from history.

The same for Natures and Roles: there was a woman from the 588th who was a Hawk? What was she like? And a Protector?

If you know Grey Ranks, I’m thinking about the sidebars with grey ranks’ stories: I always use them when presenting the game, because I can spend ten minutes trying to explain what the Thing Held Dear is and what does it mean lose it, or I can just read Anna’s story.

Jason Morningstar, could you share some stories like those? A Hawk, a Sparrow, some good moment, someone who paid just for being herself, things like those?

I just finished reading this over the weekend and I think it is excellent and looks like a lot of fun to run.

I just finished reading this over the weekend and I think it is excellent and looks like a lot of fun to run.

I just finished reading this over the weekend and I think it is excellent and looks like a lot of fun to run.

My main comment is about the lack of a blank set of character sheets (or a single sample one) in the rule book.

My printer died the other week so I was doing it without printed character sheets and I found following the marks/advancement stuff a little confusing. I know i could have looked at the pdf or something but I found that it was something missed and i felt that i needed to be in the rule book.

I guess my only other request would be a few more pages of example gm moves, events and plot ideas.

I think everything else flowed really well and this really fired my imagination. 

(Ive been thinking of running a series of rpg stories hopping round ww2 and books like this get my creative juices flowing. Great work!)

Finally and most importantly…. has anyone found a subtitles file for the 1981 russian movie mentioned in the bibliography? Just asking… nooooo reason…… 😉

Well, I just have found out this little drawing I had done some months ago and I thought it could fit for Night…

Well, I just have found out this little drawing I had done some months ago and I thought it could fit for Night…

Well, I just have found out this little drawing I had done some months ago and I thought it could fit for Night Witches!

A question about flying and navigating (quoting from the rules): “In an emergency, anyone can fly and anyone can…

A question about flying and navigating (quoting from the rules): “In an emergency, anyone can fly and anyone can…

A question about flying and navigating (quoting from the rules): “In an emergency, anyone can fly and anyone can navigate, both from either seat, but making a Move outside your assigned position requires a change in the fiction first”.

I was wondering, which change in the fiction? I’m not very clear about what, in reality, means trying to fly or navigate from the wrong seat, so I’m not sure about these changes. Any examples?

Night Witches mobi issues‏:

Night Witches mobi issues‏:

Night Witches mobi issues‏:

this what I found so far. I’ve read about 20% of the book. All are minors issues, but since feedback was requested:

Loc 149 (page 2 of physical book): On the second paragraph, fourth line, there is a line break between “darkest” and “hour”.

Loc 267 (page 13): First line: “The pieces that define y0ur character”. There’s an “0” (zero) instead of an “o” in your

Loc 310 (page 17): The title for “Zealot” is on the last line of the page, it could be on the first line of the next page, for better visualization and aesthesics.

Loc 395 (page 23): Same as above for the “Stories” title.