Remnant Post
Been hammering on these ideas the last few days. Switching from my own stats back to mostly using the AW set has allowed me to pare down the complexity of Color and its bonuses and negatives. I’m not at elegance yet, but I’m in its area code I think.
Hard, Cool, Sharp, Hot, Color, Forge & Ships
Color is the state that measures how much of the resource the player is holding in their heart. The stuff smells like spilled gasoline, glows like moonlight on Chernobyl, and tastes like life itself. A body needs Color to keep the stain of the Ruin from rotting through it, but Color was meant for breath, not the heart. Hold it too long and the heat of it will burn away the flesh it illuminates, and everything it touches.
You gain Color by destroying things that hold memories. The most common of these are the barter in Remnant, Mementos, which are random objects scrounged from the decay of the Ruin and the increasingly deserted blocks of the Pale City. Color can also be gained by destroying a forgery, or a body that’s currently holding some shine in it. A body can hold up to two points of Color (Flush / Wan / Empty)
Scrounge – When you turn over a space looking for something roll +Sharp:
10▴ – You find what you were looking for, pick (3)
7-9 – You find what you were looking for and pick (1), otherwise you don’t find what you were after and pick (3)
6▾- You fail to find what you were looking for and pick (1)
-It doesn’t take long.
-No one spots you.
-You don’t leave a mess.
-You find something unexpected.
Tip Back and Drink – When you have the time and space take a nice Long Pull of that sweet, sweet shine, and feel like a human being again (Become Flush), otherwise take Quick Sip to keep level (Become Wan, otherwise Become Flush).
MC Moves – The MC has a few Soft and Hard moves associated with Color which are available depending on whether or not they’re currently holding.
Holding Color:
Soft – Running Low – The player’s Color is finite, and they’re starting to feel it.
Hard – Drain Them – If the player makes no effort to top off feel free to make their next Color based action cost as much of it as you like.
Soft – Smoke – If the player fails to keep Cool under Fire, or if they make an aggressive or violent move, the warmth of their Color has reached a fever heat, and pushed much further it will light a fire within them.
Hard – Fire – If the player makes no effort to quench that fire by dousing it with a Quick Sip or more of fresh Color, or by expelling the Color in some manner feel free to Burn them with harm as established. Each time this move is used without the player quenching increase the range of what is burned from self, to touch, to personal space, to small room.
Empty of Color:
Soft – Dulled – The player’s lack of Color can be seen and felt by others.
Hard – Repulsing – If the player makes no effort to take in fresh color feel free to make a current social interaction go badly.
Soft – Empty Ache- If the player fails to keep Cool under Fire, make an aggressive or violent move, or are treated as Repulsing by someone, remind the player how long it’s been since they’ve had a pull of shine and how they feel the filth of their stain spreading.
Hard – The Ruin Howls- If the player makes no effort to take in some fresh Color feel free to Stain them or the space around them as established. Each time this move is used without the player quenching increase the degree to which things are Stained, temporarily, on-going, or permanently.
Forge is a measure of a character’s talent with Color, how powerfully it resonates within them, and how deft they are at making a forgery.
Plagiarize – When the player plagiarizes their memories ask the MC what it would take to make something and roll.
10▴ – You have the items needed to make the desired Forgery
7-9 – Your’re missing some items needed.
6▾- You’re missing the items, you need help, or someone is standing in your way.
Make a Forgery
This is still in progress but as is stands right now
Savvy Head – Forge complex objects or machinery, Forge Structures.
Hocus – Forge individual characters and small groups.
Brainer – Forge memories, steal Color
Chopper/Hard Holder – +1 to intimidating others if Wan or Empty
Battlebabe/Skinner +1 to Hot when Flush
All characters will be able to Forge incidental objects that have no mechanical benefit but are nice story trinkets.