J’y raconte comment dans notre futur, on retombe sur celui décrit il y a 25 ans dans Berlin XVIII. Un indice : un homme politique américain a moumoute y joue un role
Hey folks! Just wanted to let people know that The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power, our PbtA Game Of Thrones-style political fantasy game, is now available as a PDF and PoD at DriveThru RPG, if you’re interested.
It will also be available at the IGDN booth at Gencon, this weekend, and I’ll be running games of it at Games on Demand, if anyone wants to come find me to try it.
We discuss about the Master of Ceremonies, and review latest news in the PbtA community.
Originally shared by Oscar Iglesias
7º programa ya disponible.
Llegamos por fin a la parte del Maestro de Ceremonias (árbitro, director, master…), desde sus principios a movimientos hacemos un primer acercamiento a la filosofía de juego que hay tras el MC.
Are you familiar with Vincent Baker’s *Bedlam Beautiful?* It’s a dark and disturbing game about emotional violence…
Are you familiar with Vincent Baker’s *Bedlam Beautiful?* It’s a dark and disturbing game about emotional violence in the veins of Firebrands, The King is Dead, etc.
I tried it out a couple of times and realized that at it’s core it actually has a very hopeful and positive assumption about finding true love (by true love I don’t mean the romanticized notion of ‘the One’, but a mutual and emancipated relationship).
So a few weeks ago I used #BedlamBeautiful as the basis for a 2-day-long sensitivity training in a theater and drama summer camp. I dissected the game and reused everything I could (places, tones, appearances, characters, rules about speaking, actual lines). I used techniques from #Bibliodrama and #PlaybackTheater, and ‘conventions’ from #ProcessDrama. This way we explored the topics of getting acquainted, emotional violence, toxic relationships, safety considerations, etc. The students loved it!
The coolest thing is that my colleague used these experiences to assemble a theater play, and with my assistance she made a very Lynchian, surreal show with the kids. Just in 3 intense days. It’s title was *Bleat* (goats are hip again since the #VVitch!). So to officially inform you all: *PbtA games are going on stage!* 😀
Any Apocalypse World PBP games looking for players?
Any Apocalypse World PBP games looking for players?
I have two masks games I’m GMing but I’m itching to play some AW. Pbp would work best for my current schedule though. So, anyone currently recruiting or willing to start something?
Newbie question: Does the fail forward principle have any part to play in PbtA games?
Newbie question: Does the fail forward principle have any part to play in PbtA games?
For example, roll 6- and your character fails and the MC/GM makes a hard move. Could MC/GM instead rule the character succeeds, but then, say, make two hard moves?
Story Always Episode 14: Interview with Josh Fox, author of Flotsam
Story Always Episode 14: Interview with Josh Fox, author of Flotsam
In this episode of Story Always we had the pleasure of interviewing Joshua Fox from Black Armada, coauthor of “Lovecraftesque” and author of “Flotsam: Adrift Amongst the Stars”, which is currently on Kisktarter. Flotsam is a game about outcasts, renegades and misfits living in the belly of a space station, in the shadow of a more prosperous society. The system is GMless and diceless, inspired by PbtA and Dream Askew and with its own spin on it in order to make it easy to play without a GM.