I’ve always found the phrase “Hold 1” and “Spend your hold” a little clumsy.
I’ve always found the phrase “Hold 1” and “Spend your hold” a little clumsy.
Here’s two versions of the same move, a pretty basic version of Read a Person. It’s a western game, so I’m experimenting with a different form of language, but I wonder if it is still clunky:
When you size up a person during an intense interaction, roll + Savvy. On a 7-9, Hold 1. On a 10+, Hold 3. On a miss, Hold 1 anyway. You’ll need it.
During the conversation, you can spend one of your Hold to ask a question of the character’s player:
*Are you telling the truth?
*What are you really feeling?
*What do you intend to do?
*What do you wish I would do?
*How could I get you to do ____?
When you size up a person during an intense interaction, roll + Savvy. On a 7-9, collect a Chip On a 10+, collect three. On a miss, collect one anyway. You’ll need it.
During the conversation, you can cash in one of those chips to ask a question of the character’s player:…
What reads better for you?