Would you agree, that Apocalypse World, Dungeon World and Monsterhearts are really the big 3 of the *World family?

Would you agree, that Apocalypse World, Dungeon World and Monsterhearts are really the big 3 of the *World family?

Would you agree, that Apocalypse World, Dungeon World and Monsterhearts are really the big 3 of the *World family? Is there another game one “should” know?

So, Fronts.

So, Fronts.

So, Fronts. I’m prepping them for the first time and finding the division between Fronts and Threats, or one Front and another, to be a bit blurry.

So like there’s this mountain town called Kettle, and the PCs all live in or around there. I’ve made Kettle as a Front, expressing Ambition (the folk put on airs of being a bona fide City, with the holder Harridan styling himself Mayor). The 4 Threats are the Mayoral Council (Warlord: Dictator), the Peacekeepers’ Council (Brute: Enforcer), the Council of Commerce (Dictator: Collector), and Respectability (Affliction: Custom).

That all feels solid to me, ready to write up details and Dark Future.

It gets hazy from there. I made another Front, the Countryside, expressing Decay. Threats are the Hills (Landscape: Maze), Operation Phoenix (a sealed bunker related to the germ warfare that caused the Apocalypse–Landscape: Breeding Pit), and Wolves (Brute: Hunting Pack).

Except, maybe Operation: Phoenix could be a Front of its own? The PCs haven’t interacted with it much yet; maybe it’s just a threat NOW but when it gets fleshed out a bit more (unsealed and explored frinstance), it could split off into its own Front?

And on top of that, there’s this roving gang, referred to as the Burners, that’s been locust-swarming the lands away down south and is now spreading up here. And there’s the distant holding that the Touchstone USED to live in, where he made a rather DitV-ish decision to fix, the dirty laundry of which is following at his heels.

So, where do they go? I started a Front called Far Lands (Threat: Burners, Dictator: Alpha Wolf), but it feels off. What kind of Front/Threat partition would make sense here? I could see the Burners being a whole Front with several Threats (Princy–Dictator: Alpha Wolf; Princy’s Horde–Brute: Mob, etc).

What’s y’all’s read?

#monsterhearts   #skinning

#monsterhearts   #skinning

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

#monsterhearts   #skinning  

The final (for now anyway) draft of my first skin, the Fury, is all laid out and looking fabulous thanks to Matt Strickling! Feel free to take and use. I only ask that my skins be shared, not traded. If you use her in your game I’d love to hear about how it went!

Another move I wrote:

Another move I wrote:

Another move I wrote:

Duck Hunt: at the beginning of the session, roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. At any time, you can spend your hold to avoid 1 segment of damage inflicted upon you. On a miss, the MC will tell you about somebody new who wants you dead.

I think the miss result needs to change. Or maybe it’s perfect the way it is, reaching out to the maelstrom for protection and it implants hostility and aggression towards you into somebody instead. Thoughts?

I have a question about ‘Touched by death’.

I have a question about ‘Touched by death’.

I have a question about ‘Touched by death’.  What level of commitment qualifies as ‘in your care’?  Does that include members of your gang?  Followers?  Random guy on the street you fail to save from a lynch mob?  Should the line be one based on actions (I dive to in the way to try to take the bullet) or emotional (I should have done more)?

edit:  Should it be based on whether or not it effects your characters psyche?  (I no longer see life as precious because of this loss)

The Bureau, a simple World of Dungeons hack for kids.

The Bureau, a simple World of Dungeons hack for kids.

The Bureau, a simple World of Dungeons hack for kids. 

Different die types, no addition or subtraction (beyond adding tow dice together). It’s kind of like Men in Black meets Ghostbusters.

If you try it, please let me know!


Just a thought while sitting here “working”.

Just a thought while sitting here “working”.

Just a thought while sitting here “working”. What about a one-shot game where the protagonists start in a mysterious situation and you reveal basic moves to the players as they perform them, to really drive home the “to do it, do it” philosophy.

Here’s an example. I am running a custom con game where the players are playing medieval people and they all wake up in a forest clearing and the woods around them are dark and thick and no one remembers how they got here. I have prepared the basic moves of “when you call out to the forest, roll +dark…” “when you venture into the forest, roll+daring…” and let’s say “when you try to remember who you are, roll+memory…”

The players don’t know the moves but as soon as someone says their characters calls out into the forest to see if anyone answers, then you hand them and the rest of the group a slip of paper with that basic move on it. So on and so forth. You’d have to come up with some new stats, maybe some playbooks moves but maybe not too, and of course flush out the basic moves. 

Does this sound like a fun idea? Or am I just nuts?! 🙂