I am so putting this in my AW game:

I am so putting this in my AW game:

I am so putting this in my AW game:

“Across much of the west,” C.F. Eckhardt explains, “…there was already a network of wire covering most of the country, in the form of barbed-wire fences. Some unknown genius discovered that if you hooked two Sears or Monkey Ward telephone sets to the top wire on a barbed-wire fence, you could talk between the telephones as easily as between two ‘town’ telephones connected by slick wire through an operator’s switchboard. A rural telephone system that had no operators, no bills—and no long-distance charges—was born.”

The system relied upon the creative use of everyday materials as insulators; in fact, according to Delbert Trew, “the most clever, most innovative cowboys used every conceivable type of device as insulators to suspend the wire. I have found leather straps folded around wire and nailed to the posts, whiskey bottle necks installed over big nails, snuff bottles, corn cobs, pieces of inner-tube wrapped around the wire and short straps of tire holding telephone wires to the post.” 



Response was pretty good to my first MH skin, the Fury, so here’s another one.

Response was pretty good to my first MH skin, the Fury, so here’s another one.

Response was pretty good to my first MH skin, the Fury, so here’s another one. If this seems completely opaque, go google “Slender Man.” I’m still working on the “how to play this skin” bit, which should help folks who aren’t familiar with the source material.

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

#monsterhearts   #skinning  

Completed first draft! An actual playbook version would have some additional formatting tricks and graphical weirdness, but as far as pure text (and of course mechanics) goes, what do you think, sirs and madames?

The Proxy

i can See it sometimes, the staLker or whatever the fuck it is, out there at the Edge of the woods, watching me. always watching with No eyes. stanDing there in that black suit, like a funEral director, but so tall, too tall. what does it want fRom m69742077617320737570706f73656420746f206c65617665206d6520616c6f6e6520616674657220692067617665206974206d79206c6974746c652062726f7468657220616e64206e6f7720697473206261636b20627574206d6179626520697473207374696c6c2068756e67727920692068617665206c6f7473206f6620667269656e6473oMeone please help me, please mAke all this eNd!


Choose a name:

Aimee, Alex, Emi, Evan, Jessie, Kevin, Noreen, Tim, Tyler, Xakk

A familiar name, a modern name, a kid’s name, a unique name


Circle one from each list:

Baby face, carrying a camera, clinging briars, gangly, sickly, shifty 

Angry eyes, dead eyes, paranoid eyes, sorrowful eyes, veiled eyes

An animal-head mask, a burlap bag with eyeholes, a cheap plastic mask, a comedy or tragedy mask, a Guy Fawkes mask, a plague doctor’s mask, a porcelain mask, stretched pantyhose, a Venetian mask, a wooden tribal mask


Circle one:

Stalked since childhood, delved too far, created a hoax that became true, student filmmaker, cult member


Add 1 to one of these:

Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1


You have been recording video footage of everyone without their knowledge. Take one string on everyone.

You have extra footage on your subject. Take two extra strings on that person.

You’ve also been obsessively recording yourself, and someone has discovered and watched some of your footage. That person takes three strings on you.

It starts with five strings on you.


You get this one, and choose two more:

X  The Sickness – Choose one character to be your subject. You may change which character is your subject at any time, but you must have no strings on your old subject and at least three strings on your new subject. After the fifth time your subject accepts experience from you when you spend a string, he must use his next advancement to take a Proxy move. This effect can be repeated. 

O  Am I Interrupting? – You can spend two strings on someone to gain complete access to their home and identity. You have full access to all their social media accounts (e-mail, Twitter, YouTube, G+, etc) and may make irreversible changes to those accounts. You may edit your target’s uploaded videos, inserting scenes, frames, audio, or text, either obviously or subliminally. You may enter their home with sufficient stealth as to record video of them sleeping, without triggering security, being discovered, or leaving accidental traces of your presence.

O  The Collective – When you gaze into the abyss, if you roll 10 up, gain a string on your subject and do 1 harm to them. If you roll 7-9, choose one:

~ gain a string on your subject, but It gains a string on you

~ gain a string on your subject, but take 1 harm

~ do 1 harm to your subject, but take 1 harm

~ do 1 harm to your subject, but It gains a string on you.

If you roll 6 or less, It gains a string on you and you take 1 harm.

O  Cryptic Bullshit – You can shut someone down with Dark, but only indirectly, through sending them a cryptic written or video message. This can consist of mysterious but meaningful images, phrases written in ciphers, or unknown repeated symbols. Typically if you choose to inflict a condition as a result of shutting someone down via this method, you will choose to give them the condition obsessed to reflect their desperate desire to decode your communications.

O  Distortion – Whenever you will it, you cause audiovisual distortion in any photographic, video, or audio recording equipment that is being used on you. Audio distortion may range from slight reverb that leaves your voice recognizable but creepy to severe interference that makes you sound unintelligible or inhuman. Video distortion ranges from mild color changes or wavering to bursts of static that conceal the entire image. Anyone viewing or listening to the distorted images or recordings of you must roll to hold steady; results of 6 or less give the viewer the condition horrified.

O  Masky – When you are wearing your mask, others must hold steady before they can attempt to affect you with turn someone on, shut someone down, or lash out physically. If they roll 10 up while rolling hold steady, they may make the second roll as usual. If they roll 7-9, they may make the second roll at -1. If they roll 6 or less, give them the condition hazy memories and they may not attempt the second roll.

O  Path of Black Leaves – Unless you allow it, you cannot be run away from. You will always be around the next corner or hiding behind a nearby tree, or alternatively, your victim will find himself repeatedly passing through the same hallways and doors without actually getting anywhere. You may release your victim at any time, but usually not until after some sort of physical or verbal confrontation.


When you have sex with someone, make them your new subject (even if they don’t meet the criteria), and both of you mark experience. Your new subject‘s experience counts toward triggering The Sickness. Carry 1 forward toward inflicting Harm on your old subject.


You’ve become desperate now – It is closing in, and your mask isn’t working to hide you like it should. You’ll do anything to save yourself, and you know what It wants. Find someone close to your subject and offer them up – either kill them yourself in Its name, or offer them up to It directly (which may leave them dead, alive, memory-wiped, or another Proxy like yourself). 

You may only escape your Darkest Self when you have successfully sacrificed someone else in your place, or when your subject catches you on video and prevents you from harming someone.

Ran my first game of Monsterhearts tonight on G+ (both first experience at all with the game and I was the MC).

Ran my first game of Monsterhearts tonight on G+ (both first experience at all with the game and I was the MC).

Ran my first game of Monsterhearts tonight on G+ (both first experience at all with the game and I was the MC). It went off incredibly well. What helped was I got to play with a group that is really story game oriented so I knew they would be eager to go with my direction and take the reins when they needed to. We ended up with a werewolf, a vampire, a fae and twin sister witches. I worked to really provoke detailed responses during the set up phase so we have a pretty clear picture of where things were going. The game play lasted about three hours and by the end I had made sure to tangle up these relationships into a nice dramatic mess. The group were unanimous in wanting to continue past this first session so now I have some threats to design and will probably look at tinkering with a couple custom moves. Loving those MC principles, its like perfect pedagogy for running a story game.

So, I had some severe problems with Monsterhearts that killed my enthusiasm for the game.

So, I had some severe problems with Monsterhearts that killed my enthusiasm for the game.

So, I had some severe problems with Monsterhearts that killed my enthusiasm for the game. This thread talks about it some. I never felt I got satisfactory responses to my questions, and I’m wondering if anybody else had similar concerns, or had good experiences with these sorts of situations without drifting the rules (although I’m probably planning on doing that). My main problem was that in the rules as written, and as explained by Joe, the basic moves just dance around the other PCs. I think I want some sort of mechanical help with taking the bottle from a PC other than: convince the MC that you took it, beat the PC unconscious, choose a skin that can make them give it to you. Anybody?



So i listened to book 3 in the Iron Druid Chronicles and realised how bad of an agressive GM i became again.

So i listened to book 3 in the Iron Druid Chronicles and realised how bad of an agressive GM i became again.

So i listened to book 3 in the Iron Druid Chronicles and realised how bad of an agressive GM i became again. I was really good at that when we played Mouse Guard but i have become a bit of a too big fan of the PCs i think. 

This book (and the dresden Files too) is really good at putting 3-5 fronts in front of the protagonist and making him somehow deal with that. I use maybe 1-2 fronts per session and generally don’t bring that much adversity. 

I need to update my fronts too so that is something i definietly need to work on (i am really bad at creating fronts. the process is hard for me)

So any tips on beeing more aggro, on creating fronts without starring at countdown clocks to long and on fronts at the table? 

I am thinking of using this (or similar) for my game/hack and thought I would share

I am thinking of using this (or similar) for my game/hack and thought I would share

I am thinking of using this (or similar) for my game/hack and thought I would share

At the End of each Session, answer the follow questions: 

Did your character grow as a person? If so, ask yourself how. If not, think of situations that could help you grow in the next session and share that with the GM.

Did the character learn something new about the world? If so, what? If not, what do they seek to understand. Share that with the GM.

Did the character next to you do something awesome? If they did, they gain a String on you. If they didn’t, ask them how you could help them create a moment of awesome. If you help them by doing what they suggest gain 1xp.

Did the character next to you do something shocking? Tell them what they did, gain a String on them. If they did not, tell them what you would like to see. If they do it , they gain 1xp.

For each Yes, take +1 forward on the next roll. Roll +No Stat

12+ Take a Move of your choice

10-11 Gain +1Lore, a String of your choice, and regain 1Mana

7-9  Gain +1Lore, a String of your choice, OR regain 1Mana

6 or less Gain one of the above anyway, but something unresolved from this Session hangs over you.

*Lore is like a String, but on the Setting

The 16 HP Dragon made its rounds earlier this year in the DW realms, but I think it’s important to any AW-based…

The 16 HP Dragon made its rounds earlier this year in the DW realms, but I think it’s important to any AW-based…

The 16 HP Dragon made its rounds earlier this year in the DW realms, but I think it’s important to any AW-based game, or really, any RPG game. 


I feel like there’s a key step that happens when I MC AW.

I feel like there’s a key step that happens when I MC AW.

I feel like there’s a key step that happens when I MC AW. In my experience it usually occurs in the second or third session, though there’s no reason it couldn’t happen earlier or later.

It’s when I decide/realize what the maelstrom wants. Often, I’ve come up with a motive for the maelstrom before even deciding what the maelstrom is.

This is similar to determining a threat type, but I think it’s subtly different.

Are there any Playbooks out there for playing old timers, who lived through the Apocalypse?

Are there any Playbooks out there for playing old timers, who lived through the Apocalypse?

Are there any Playbooks out there for playing old timers, who lived through the Apocalypse?

I was thinking about it while driving home from my folks’ today, and I thought ‘The Ancient’ would make a neat Playbook if only because their stat choices would imply a lot about what was needed to survive the Apocalypse and that they’d be a primary source for the experience of the Apocalypse. It also made me think about the fact that some Playbooks don’t really make sense as second ones picked.

Does anyone have some good Apocalypse World custom moves for funky drugs, drug addiction, and withdrawal?

Does anyone have some good Apocalypse World custom moves for funky drugs, drug addiction, and withdrawal?

Does anyone have some good Apocalypse World custom moves for funky drugs, drug addiction, and withdrawal?

Please share!