


Tell me about your apocalypse!

Mine was an arid wasteland with toxic ground water based on a trip to the Atacama desert. It was nominally somewhere on the west coast of Canada, next to a giant salt flat that was all that remained off the Pacific Ocean.

No one knew what caused all the water to dry up.

There were three “major” settlements: Cactus Town, a farming community based around the production of cactus juice, the only non-poisonous beverage around; Junk Town, a scrap pile full of scavengers, thieves and mechanics; and The Factory, an abandoned refinery stocked with oil and gas, and inhabited by a vicious gang of bikers.

I have not yet played AW but when I finished reading it last week I was buzzing with excitement about getting an…

I have not yet played AW but when I finished reading it last week I was buzzing with excitement about getting an…

I have not yet played AW but when I finished reading it last week I was buzzing with excitement about getting an opportunity to. I would love to participate in any G+ hangouts where AW is being played, both to just play it and get a taste of how the MC/Player relationship works for when I run it with my group of gaming friends.

(This is one of the first Google Communities I’ve joined!

(This is one of the first Google Communities I’ve joined!

(This is one of the first Google Communities I’ve joined!  Do we introduce ourselves on these things? Well I’ll do so just in case 🙂  )

I’m Drew, I live in the UK, and Apocalypse World might just be my favourite RPG ever.  I’m currently running a game set in an icy archipelago during a nuclear winter.  Its going pretty well so far.  Set up info for anyone interested can be found here:

I am working on an AW/Dungeon World hack/re-skin for adventures in space, called Galaxy World.

I am working on an AW/Dungeon World hack/re-skin for adventures in space, called Galaxy World.

I am working on an AW/Dungeon World hack/re-skin for adventures in space, called Galaxy World. Looking for input from any who are interested in providing it.


Hi to everyone…

Hi to everyone…

Hi to everyone…

I’m new in this community, but maybe someone knows me. I’m from Italy and I’m a game designer with a moderate success of critics (but not in sell, and this doesn’t matter, the important thing it’s only to write good and funny games). I very like AW and it’s engine, and in my little way I would celebrate it with a game called 21 Guns. It’s a very deep hack (but all the important concepts are still inside) that celebrate the Dark Tower saga (from Stephen King). I design it by the model of Ghost/Echo so is written only in two pages, without examples, so I think it’s more easy to play for who already knows AW than anyone else but I think it’s clear.

I made also an english version (with the help of Meguey for the proofreading) and all of you can’t download it for free from DriveThrou.

Thank you for your attention, I hope that yo like my little celebration of Apocalypse World and the Dark Tower saga (with some influence from Ghost/echo and Psi-run).

Anyone for a game of The Regiment tonight 20:00 GMT? I have space for about 3 more players.

Anyone for a game of The Regiment tonight 20:00 GMT? I have space for about 3 more players.

Anyone for a game of The Regiment tonight 20:00 GMT? I have space for about 3 more players.

You’ll need to get a Roll20 account from here: and a copy of the 2.1 rules from here:

I’ll be sending out invites for the Google+ hangout about 19:30 so can you let me know your Google+ names? Mine is Nick Riggs (based in Chiswick if you find lots of me on G+!).

Hello everyone.

Hello everyone.

Hello everyone. I am new to this community! A little blurp about myself, I love the apocalypse theme and am currently designing my own Zombie Survival Game. Rules, Artwork, and More information can be found below. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

I just wrapped up a fantastic six session campaign with Tony Reyes Gary Thompson Paul McBride and several others.

I just wrapped up a fantastic six session campaign with Tony Reyes Gary Thompson Paul McBride and several others.

I just wrapped up a fantastic six session campaign with Tony Reyes Gary Thompson Paul McBride and several others. In the barren, arid  landscape of post-apocalyptic Minnesota, in the remains of a shopping mall in what was once Granite Falls, is a circus tent. With lights, music, show girls, and gambling on the gladiator games held within. The man behind it all: The mildly delusional Barnum, who believed that even in the Dying Times, people needed Entertainment. With the help of the operator known as Colonel Dollarhyde and the warrior Hector, Barnum ruled over the farmers and circus workers in his prosperous hold.  

But threats were everywhere. Clean water is scarce and has to be imported from the Pepsiko wells to the south. The militaristic reclusive residents of the Bunker might be allies, but are the source of a deadly plague. Irradiated and blasted, the ruins of Minneapolis may be filled with a cure for the plague, but contain horrors beyond description. From the west comes news of a horde known as the Army of the Risen God. Even within Circus Town, Lost Lark and his devoted followers pose an insidious threat, undermining Barnum’s grasp on power. But, the biggest threat is the Red Hawk Militia, barbarous raiders led by the fiery red-haired beauty known throughout the wastes as the Dragon. 

After the ravages of the plague, fighting with Lost Lark’s cultists and a bloody battle with the Red Hawk, Dollarhyde leads thirty survivors south to Pepsiko. Barnum (hardholder), Hector (battlebabe), Ruth (angel), and Hawk (gunlugger NPC) confront the Dragon, who has been horribly burned and mutated by her prize possession: A nuclear warhead. Barnum strikes first with his knife, just seconds before the countdown, and the campaign, ends.

I’m having a ton of fun MC-prepping, we just had the setup session for a new run of AW, set in frozen and isolated…

I’m having a ton of fun MC-prepping, we just had the setup session for a new run of AW, set in frozen and isolated…

I’m having a ton of fun MC-prepping, we just had the setup session for a new run of AW, set in frozen and isolated western Siberia. So far I’ve made a custom list of russianic names, slang from Clockwork Orange and soviet military hardware. Started doing fronts, threats and custom moves.

Anyone have good stuff I can loot or recycle?