In my latest series of one-shot advice on my blog, I’ve given my own system for running one-shots of Urban Shadows.

In my latest series of one-shot advice on my blog, I’ve given my own system for running one-shots of Urban Shadows.

In my latest series of one-shot advice on my blog, I’ve given my own system for running one-shots of Urban Shadows.

There’s not much to share yet, still processing it, but I can say this:

There’s not much to share yet, still processing it, but I can say this:

There’s not much to share yet, still processing it, but I can say this:

Princess World rocked!

Had the two very first ever plays of it at #Dreamation this weekend and it worked better than I could have imagined.

Much more to come!

Today is the last day to get Issue 2 of Uncanny Echo, my serialized PbtA game where I release a new game each month…

Today is the last day to get Issue 2 of Uncanny Echo, my serialized PbtA game where I release a new game each month…

Today is the last day to get Issue 2 of Uncanny Echo, my serialized PbtA game where I release a new game each month where ordinary people have to contend with the uncanny. This months issue was focused on neighbors in a community where something strange is going on. Next month is Restless, where you play people living in a nursing home where residents are going missing and only you can get to the bottom of it.

$2 gets you the issue each month and in addition, you also get an edited podcast of our own playtests of each issue from $1 and up.

“The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power brings forth a dark fantasy world of the players’ creation.

“The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power brings forth a dark fantasy world of the players’ creation.

“The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power brings forth a dark fantasy world of the players’ creation. What makes it pop for me is not just the violence and the superstition, but the intrigue and mechanics behind it. The game sets character against character with ease but also puts these characters into positions of power over one another, encouraging jockeying and scheming right out of the gate. This Powered by the Apocalypse game turns Apocalypse World into Apocalypse Westeros, where otherworldly threats sit right alongside petty vendettas and power-grabs.”

Last weekend I ran a Dungeon World adaptation of The Forest of Doom, a classic Fighting Fantasy gamebook (choose…

Last weekend I ran a Dungeon World adaptation of The Forest of Doom, a classic Fighting Fantasy gamebook (choose…

Last weekend I ran a Dungeon World adaptation of The Forest of Doom, a classic Fighting Fantasy gamebook (choose your own adventure), and wrote up my prep notes to a usable state. Blog post with the link is here:

So AW and many PbtA games have playbook advances that include “take a move from another archetype”

So AW and many PbtA games have playbook advances that include “take a move from another archetype”

So AW and many PbtA games have playbook advances that include “take a move from another archetype”

The thought being, once the character is established, one of the directions it can grow is outward, expanding or changing its focus.

An event in one of my recent games made me realize another, admittedly wonky, way of allowing the character to expand in a new direction:

*Take a basic move from another PbtA game.


So I am 4 sessions into running my first Apocalypse World game.

So I am 4 sessions into running my first Apocalypse World game.

So I am 4 sessions into running my first Apocalypse World game. And I am loving it. I have introduced custom move that I created for a player whose character is 1 of a set of triplets who said that they are no longer together because trouble always showed up when they were together. It has worked well so far but I am thinking of ways it might change going forward. Here’s the move (it worked well but any advice or other possible effects would be welcome) :

Dammit Storm: The storms come when the Dammit sisters are together. Roll + number of sisters. on a 10+ hold 1 , on a 7-9 hold 2 on 6- hold 3 :

– You have time to prepare

– The storm is localized.

– The storm passes quickly.

– No one suffers Psychic harm

I’m a little confused about the lifestyle and gigs at the start of play section.

I’m a little confused about the lifestyle and gigs at the start of play section.

I’m a little confused about the lifestyle and gigs at the start of play section.

At the beginning of the first session, have everyone make the lifestyle move, but tell them that in session one they have to pay 1-barter.

So they can’t choose not to pay?

Can they choose to pay 2?