So I am 4 sessions into running my first Apocalypse World game.
So I am 4 sessions into running my first Apocalypse World game. And I am loving it. I have introduced custom move that I created for a player whose character is 1 of a set of triplets who said that they are no longer together because trouble always showed up when they were together. It has worked well so far but I am thinking of ways it might change going forward. Here’s the move (it worked well but any advice or other possible effects would be welcome) :
Dammit Storm: The storms come when the Dammit sisters are together. Roll + number of sisters. on a 10+ hold 1 , on a 7-9 hold 2 on 6- hold 3 :
– You have time to prepare
– The storm is localized.
– The storm passes quickly.
– No one suffers Psychic harm