Looking for players (or MCs) in or near Federal Way, WA. Anyone out there? Drop me a line.

Looking for players (or MCs) in or near Federal Way, WA. Anyone out there? Drop me a line.

Looking for players (or MCs) in or near Federal Way, WA. Anyone out there? Drop me a line.

At the moment, this is what little I have at the moment for my magical girls hack, Beauty of Destiny (what little I…

At the moment, this is what little I have at the moment for my magical girls hack, Beauty of Destiny (what little I…

At the moment, this is what little I have at the moment for my magical girls hack, Beauty of Destiny (what little I have for it so far is available here: http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/HJ2eLio_b). It was hampered a bit by me trying to come up with not only moves for each of the roles available in-game, but also their unique gimmick (like in Apocalypse World, the Angel is really good at healing people, the Hocus has a fucking cult, the Gunlugger is really good at shooting people, &c.)

And by “was hampered a bit” what I really meant to say was “is hamstrung by the author trying not to just rename the moves from AW and call it day.” So I asked one of my friends to help me come up with moves for your team of nakama.

And boy howdy did he deliver.

At the moment, I’m looking at the list he came up with, trying to figure out what does/doesn’t gel with what I had in mind; I had Sailor Moon Classic/Cute High Earth Defense Force Love/Precure in mind in terms of tone, while my friend was aiming more for Sailor Nothing.

My own thoughts on the moves in-game so far:

The Assault: Her main ability, the Variable Blast, might be either too overpowered with the right blast options or be reduced into a contradictory mess with the “right” options.

(Also, I’m not sure if I should add “You can take this move twice for 2-armor” to C’mon, Hit Me.)

The Soul: I’m quite well aware that her Healing Touch is a reskin of the Angel Kit. On the other hand, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, eh? (OTOH, there’s no currency like x-barter, you just make a Mender roll at end of session to try and regain some of your Heal.)

The Techie: Also aware that the Magitech Workbench is the Savvyhead’s workspace; I did reduce it to something about the size of a normal desk that you can put in a bedroom (like your workbench in Persona 5) and was probably a bit more merciful on the prereqs the MC is able to put on crafting.

The Void: This one’s a tough one. While the other six roles are content to work as a team, the Void’s intended to work outside of the team– think like the Outer Scouts. (Except they work as a team that works outside of the team, so I think I might have loused up my metaphor and oh god ive gone crosseyed.)

Also, I wanted to put out feelers on this move my friend suggested for the Void:

>Hateful Aura: Rolling your lowest stat, on success you create a dark, devouring aura that draws from all viable targets in audible range (Enemy, Ally, and Innocent alike). They all receive a -1 for the rest of the fight, while you may apply a +1 for the same amount of rolls as people you’ve terrified with the move.

(My attempt at implementing that would be “Roll +Troubadour. On a 10+, your opponents take –1 ongoing. On a 7-9, as above if you’re willing to impart the same on your nakama. On a 6, you take –1 ongoing.”)

Injuries: I thought about your character taking –1 (or –2!) ongoing as they took more and more damage (equivalent to 10:00 and 11:00 on AW’s damage clock), but I think that might be too mean-spirited and death spiral-y.

*tl;dr*: Don’t wanna 1-for-1 AW’s moveset, but struggling to come up with moves, friend suggested a lot of them, might as well ask the community.




This is the second post in the series analysing my very personal spin on a fantasy PbtA game.

As usual, here is the link to the full content posted on the Story-Games forum, for ease of exposition and discussion 🙂



Question about a ‘magic move’ for my new game.

Question about a ‘magic move’ for my new game.

Question about a ‘magic move’ for my new game.

I’ve been toying around with a new cross-genre PbtA game tentatively titled “F*ck Your Genre” or “FYG” for short.

In my brain it’s currently sort of a combo of the RIFTS RPG meets Rick & Morty. As the working title implies, it’s designed to evoke and fuck with different genres at the same time. The working draft playbooks 16(!) include characters like The Dread Pirate, The Fastest Gun in the West, The Luchador Supreme, The Mighty Kongorilla, The Mekka Prime, and (which brings me to my question) The Holy One.

I don’t want ‘MAGIC!’ to be a big part of the game, so The Holy One’s moves are minor miracles like “Give Me A Sign” (crowd faith healing), “Suspiciously Specific Sermon” (influencing), and such. Those are pretty straightforward, but I could use some feedback on whether the following makes sense or if I’m missing something really obvious….

Religion is Magic: Appeal to whatever sentient cosmic force you believe in, strike a dramatic pose or gesture, and roll +MOVE. On 10, choose the spell form and one effect; unless otherwise specified, the effect is instantaneous. On 7-9, choose the form and effect, but the GM also creates or chooses a mishap. On any hit, target one creature, object, or area within line of sight that is also no larger than an imaginary cube of approximately [6 x STAT] feet on each side; you may target yourself instead. On a miss, your magic goes significantly awry; the GM will decide exactly how.

Special: On 11, double the effect or add a second effect as appropriate. On 12, double one of the current effects or add a third effect as appropriate.

Form: bolt, burst, cloud, flame, globe, ray, shadow, wind

Effect: animate a statue (up to STAT minutes; you do not control it), clothes to ashes, detect magic, find money (up to STAT coins), multiply food (one piece becomes up to STAT), purify water, walk on water/air (up to STAT minutes), water to wine/beer (up to STAT gallons)

Mishap (examples): wrong form, unexpectedly intense form, similar but different effect, max variable = 1 (1 min, 1 coin, 1 gallon, etc.)

I’ve recently played with The Veil – the system featured a neat Giri system that tied the PCs together before the…

I’ve recently played with The Veil – the system featured a neat Giri system that tied the PCs together before the…

I’ve recently played with The Veil – the system featured a neat Giri system that tied the PCs together before the game even started. Similarly, I’ve noticed a few other Powered by the Apocalypse games have featured similar mechanics – Monsterhearts has Strings, while Apocalypse World has HX, etc.

I’m wondering – what other systems feature mechanics for connecting PCs before the game starts? Something that builds a web of inter-dependencies that would give the PCs a reason to stick together even if they might otherwise not get along?

Are there any PBTA games that are intentionally comedic?

Are there any PBTA games that are intentionally comedic?

Are there any PBTA games that are intentionally comedic? I’m not looking for suggestions like “You could totally play Monsterhearts for laughs”–I’m wondering if there are PBTA games that, like Paranoia and InSpectres, are written to set up the comedy.

I’m running a short Sagas of the Icelanders campaign at the mo, and I’ve noticed a problem with the female moves.

I’m running a short Sagas of the Icelanders campaign at the mo, and I’ve noticed a problem with the female moves.

I’m running a short Sagas of the Icelanders campaign at the mo, and I’ve noticed a problem with the female moves. Two out of four of them (Raise your Voice and Talk Sense and Entice a Man) have their only mechanical effect (besides risking an MC move) as a bonus/penalty to a roll. Which means that, mechanically speaking, they don’t affect NPCs at all.

This leaves women, who in theory are good at achieving results by talking and working through others, with exactly one tool to get an NPC to do what they want: Goad a Man to Action. (The fourth and final move is Lie with a Man to Conceive a Child, which is interesting but rather specialised, not to mention infrequent use.)

They are at their most powerful when influencing male PCs, therefore. So what do you do if your game has very few such characters? (Or maybe none?)

In our case we have one Godar (not sure how to do the funky nordic characters here, sorry), and that’s the only man. He’s quite old and not that physically ept. So what I perceive as the normal model, of men going off and doing physical deeds or falling out with each other, and the women kind of herding cats to stop them from getting killed, doesn’t seem to work so well here.

In this situation it feels a bit like the engine of the system has lost all its friction. The parts are still there, but they’re not engaging with each other, and I’m forced to fall back on MC moves, which is kind of exhausting, or fudging the two PC-oriented moves to work on NPCs as well, which feels like it’s probably not how things are meant to work.

Anyone come up against this? Any advice?

Aaron makes an entry into the Adventure Log with an Apocalypse World Tale about a band of miscreants known as…

Aaron makes an entry into the Adventure Log with an Apocalypse World Tale about a band of miscreants known as…

Aaron makes an entry into the Adventure Log with an Apocalypse World Tale about a band of miscreants known as Grandfather’s Bastards, doing what they can to preserve The Waystation – when they’re not facing off against one another, that is. Aside from the trouble the wastelanders got up to, Aaron talks about some of the struggles of getting the group to play Apocalypse World in the first place, how they were overcome, and some of the lessons he learned about that system while the rest of us were caught up in the psychic maelstrom.





I’ve posted on the Story-Games forum a piece of a larger PbtA fantasy project I would like to have feedback about.



In this post I offer a heavily fiction first harm system meant to completely substitute DW health points and even AW harm segments, for both PCs and NPCs.

It’s supposed to make damage feel threatening and meaningful without necessarily making the PCs die like flies, while still allowing the GM to make other characters as fragile or resilient as needed.

The rest of the game system leveraging this core mechanic (moves, classes, etc) will come in future posts 🙂
