I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at…

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at…

Originally shared by Keith Stetson

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at right now:

When you gaze through Odin’s empty eye, roll +wyrd. On a hit Odin reveals the true form of what lies before you. On a 10+ the vision is relatively clear and quite likely to be what others also deem the truth. On a 7-9 the vision is murky and perhaps less unanimously the truth. On a 6- another deity shows you what they wish. The provenance of all visions is suspect.

When you don the skin of a wolf properly killed, roll +young. On a 10+ your spirit dominates that of the wolf and you maintain control. On a 7-9 you struggle back and forth, sharing control. Choose two:

-You do not harm your allies

-You do not harm yourself

-You do not reveal yourself to another

On a 6- you awake as if from a black slumber with no recollection of what you have done.

So; How do people START their games of Sagas?

So; How do people START their games of Sagas?

So; How do people START their games of Sagas? This is clearly of the “don’t plan too much as the GM” school of gaming, but how much is “not too much” and what SHOULD I know? What should I try to work out with the players?  Any tips?

Anyone feeling up to the task of writing a skræling  playbook?

Anyone feeling up to the task of writing a skræling  playbook?

Anyone feeling up to the task of writing a skræling  playbook?


Sagas of the Icelanders [Print+PDF] is back in stock at Indie Press Revolution!

Sagas of the Icelanders [Print+PDF] is back in stock at Indie Press Revolution!

Sagas of the Icelanders [Print+PDF] is back in stock at Indie Press Revolution!
