Hi everyone, I wanted to share a “rolled” variant on the Declare a Contact move.
Hi everyone, I wanted to share a “rolled” variant on the Declare a Contact move. I plan for it to formalize the range of contacts in my Sprawl game, and I’ve taken cues from circling up a contact from Burning Empires.
What do you all think? Is the balance between the number of boons and banes right? Do you think it covers contacts from your own games? Can you think of additional Boons and Banes to add to the list?
Full version here: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LK1tHR0T1Bxzjs-vRug
Once per mission, you may declare a contact. Choose one Boon from the list below and roll 2d6. After the roll, you may pay Cred to improve your result, 1-for-1. You must always spend at least 1 Cred this way.
On a 6-: Choose one Bane.
On a 10-12: Choose one more Boon.
On a 13+: Choose two more Boons.
On any roll, you may choose to include one additional Boon and Bane.
##### Boons:
* *High Ranking*: They are in a position of power, leadership, or responsibility within their organization.
* *Skilled*: They possess an unusual skillset.
* *Talented*: They are especially talented at what they do.
* *Resourceful*: They have access to unusual resources.
* *Metropolitan*: They come from an unusual background.
* *Reliable*: They have no ulterior motives (or have an agenda that is clear to you).
* *Incognito*: They undertake tasks independent of the wishes of their employers.
* *Old Friend*: You’ve worked together before and they are amicably disposed to you.
##### Banes:
* *Bad Blood*: Maybe you’re rivals, maybe you’ve wronged them before, or maybe you owe them one. You know each other, and there’s bad blood between you. Tell us why.
* *Mercurial*: This person’s loyalties are in question, or are conflicted. The GM will decide if they have other loyalties, priorities, or agendas… and then not tell you about it. (Not compatible with Reliable)
* *Tough Times*: They’ve fallen on tough times. Maybe they’re on the run, owe a debt, or had some trouble with their employer. They won’t have access to all of their resources, but they’ll be desperate for help… from you or other parties.
* *Premium*: Their help doesn’t come cheap. Wherever applicable, consider the option “it costs extra” to be always selected.