The pusher gets a neural interface but it doesn’t get an add on like the other playbooks that start with a neural…

The pusher gets a neural interface but it doesn’t get an add on like the other playbooks that start with a neural…

The pusher gets a neural interface but it doesn’t get an add on like the other playbooks that start with a neural interface. Why is that?

you can just add cosmetic cyberware for free. Isn’t a neural interface with out any add-ons or tags just cosmetic cyberware? I guess it is better than cosmetic cyberware, if you plug the NI into a car you can get read outs, a linked gun you could get bullets remaining or barrel temperature, and should can connect to the interface but there is no game mechanic advantage to getting that piece of cyberware at character creation.

has this been posted yet? a cyberpunk near-future where the neon craziness is all virtual.

has this been posted yet? a cyberpunk near-future where the neon craziness is all virtual.

has this been posted yet? a cyberpunk near-future where the neon craziness is all virtual.

So, a few weekends a go I ran a couple sessions of Necropolis.

So, a few weekends a go I ran a couple sessions of Necropolis.

So, a few weekends a go I ran a couple sessions of Necropolis. I’ve done a full write up of the mission I used. It will likely be included in the final Necropolis text. Any feedback is welcome.

STEP 9 : Links

STEP 9 : Links

STEP 9 : Links

“4. The player to your left will tell you how their character was involved in that job. They take +1 links with your character. The MC will advance that corporation’s clock.”

So, I describe the job I was involed in. The player on my left discribe how he’s involved in. Then who take +1 LINKS ? Just him with my character ? Both of us between our characters ?

When you encase your heart in metal, your body becomes a prison.

When you encase your heart in metal, your body becomes a prison.

When you encase your heart in metal, your body becomes a prison. Break free with The Better, a bonus skin for The Sprawl.

The first in what will probably be a two-part account of Operation Angel Basin at Gamex.

The first in what will probably be a two-part account of Operation Angel Basin at Gamex.

The first in what will probably be a two-part account of Operation Angel Basin at Gamex.

This post covers the procedure we used to set up this multi-table, multi-con-slot game.

I don’t even know what to feel about this, but it belongs here.

I don’t even know what to feel about this, but it belongs here.

I don’t even know what to feel about this, but it belongs here.