Playbooks and my Gen Con schedule!
Playbooks and my Gen Con schedule!
Playbooks and my Gen Con schedule!
Playbooks and my Gen Con schedule!
Playbooks and my Gen Con schedule!
Has anyone created playbooks yet? I am getting ready to run a quick game and would like to have playbooks for my…
Has anyone created playbooks yet? I am getting ready to run a quick game and would like to have playbooks for my players to use. I am hoping that one of you nice people can save me some time and share your hard work. Thank you
Any idea when it will be released for the public to buy? I missed the Kickstarter by a friggin hour…
Any idea when it will be released for the public to buy? I missed the Kickstarter by a friggin hour…
A human anthill of the Sprawl?
A human anthill of the Sprawl?
A more complete writeup is here:
Hey all! I’m linking to a resource you might like.
Hey all! I’m linking to a resource you might like.
There are two Matrix sheets. The first two pages are for players, the second two are for MCs. Both show the kinds of systems and routines/security protocols, as well as info on cyberdecks. The player sheets then have space for notes and a column to log paydata (what it is, where it was stolen from, and who it was sold to). The MC sheet replaces these sections with info on ICE.
I hope it’s useful!
“Legal scholars have already investigated similar claims covering robotic weapons, for example, with one law clerk,…
“Legal scholars have already investigated similar claims covering robotic weapons, for example, with one law clerk, Dan Terzian, suggesting in a 2012 paper “The Right to Bear (Robotic) Arms” that there is a “very real possibility of robots being [defined as] arms under current Second Amendment doctrine.” Presumably the same interpretation might also cover drones.”
Small, +fragile, +loud, +armed (Semi-auto pistol–2-harm close/near loud quick)
So a friend and I started experimenting with v0.2 and were having a blast.
So a friend and I started experimenting with v0.2 and were having a blast. Thought I’d share our first sprawl experience.
Location: Phoenix AZ.
Corporations: Ingen – (innovative genetics) – Biotechnology / genetic modification – Government contracts for bio-warfare
HZN – (Horizon) – Agri Corporation who secures visas for immigrants from mexico to work in the US with strict contracts where the people are pushed into indentured servitude basically.
Nubian Gold – Started as a porn production company who evolved into a national multimedia corporation with hands in literally every media genre out there. Their advances in simtim cannot be matched 😉
FeatherTech (“Feather”) – Highly innovative technology firm which is involved in a tech war with Vidrio
Vidrio – Mexican tech company which keeps staying one step ahead of Feather on the market.
We kicked it off with a fixer named Winston who really liked the hustling move. His character concept was that he takes especially good care of his crews and his jobs so we made a custom move for him called:
Protective Boss: You are especially watchful over the jobs you set up and supportive to your crews. As a result your jobs are more likely to be successful because you make yourself more available to your contacts. You get +1 to Hustling rolls but must also take +1 when rolling for obligations. (hoping for feedback on this)
The idea was that his jobs are more likely to succeed but he’s easier to find.
We started out with one of his Missions against Vidrio. He stole a piece of expensive art from the Vidrio HQ in Mexico for an exec at Feather as a kind of revenge (slap in the face) for what was happening in the markets.
He payed for his cybernetics by owing a gang (Los Muertos) for the stolen and illegally installed tech.
Within the space of an hour we had a very intricate plot which involved immigration laws manipulation, water shortages and riots, marginalization of corp owned indentured servants, extortion against the “government”, stealing precious art, and a good tech war between two corps just for good measure.
No extensive GM story prep, yet we have more intricate and captivating story arcs than I’d have ever come up with on my own.
-Brought to you by: The Sprawl
Hi Hamish.
Hi Hamish… I don’t know if you have any proper process for pointing out editing errors, but a couple of things I spotted while reading the latest 0.6 version…
#1. On page 11/12, you have a particular example under avoiding confusion between moves (e.g “mix it up” vs “help”). On page 35, you have what’s obviously the same example for “help” (almost word-for-word), but the character names have changed (Zero and Oakley, vs Hoot and Alif).
#2. On page 30/31, the text for “hit the street” says “7-9: choose two from the list”, but the example shows the characters picking 3 from the list. I’m not clear whether it should be pick 2 or pick 3?
Hey all.
Hey all. Pretty new to PbtA games. The Sprawl seems to have lots of clocks. Which is cool because it seems like it should make the story feel complex I just don’t know how I’m supposed to manage various clocks.
First: When should I advance them other than when the mechanics tell me to do so? ie. during the links phase of worldbuilding/character creation.
Second: When a clock advances, what should that look/feel like in the game? I understand the clocks as story arcs concept but am struggling with how I’m going to actually apply it.
I missed the kickstarter so I only have the v.0.2 currently but I’ve found the 0.3 playbooks and moves and will be using those for my first session.
Thanks to everyone who has posted about MC first session advice. I’m seriously so pumped for my playgroup to dive into The Sprawl!
Also, if anyone has a way that I can contribute to the community I’d love to help. I want this to be a book so bad!
These three photos are the sheets I had in front of me by the end of the SeaTacPorCouver run of The Bogatyrev Jam at…
These three photos are the sheets I had in front of me by the end of the SeaTacPorCouver run of The Bogatyrev Jam at Origins.
The notes I take during Step 0 (Corp creation) are in the middle of the table:
The first image below comprises the notes I take on the characters as I ask the players questions while they make characters. It includes chapter name, playbook, what cyberware they have, what tags they have from getting their cyberware, descriptive notes, and their personal directives. (Incidentally, this is pretty much what my notes look like for every game I run, especially Dungeon World).
The second image shows my notes from the Links phase. I condense each mission description into a sentence beginning with the protagonist’s name and mentioning the target corp, then each character that was involved gets and indented line describing their involvement. Each character’s mission ends with the state of that corp clock.
The third image show my general notes from the game. Usually this comprises cool tech or setting notes and the name of people and places that the character encounter or create during the game.
Depending on the mission and how well I know it, I sometimes have the mission description in front of me too. There’s an example of that in the rulebook (The Kurosawa Extraction, pp.204-6).