Hey, have a question about the hunter move: On The Trail.

Hey, have a question about the hunter move: On The Trail.

Hey, have a question about the hunter move: On The Trail.

On the Trail: When you want to find someone or something, name your target.

When you gain [intel], you may note that it concerns your target. When you

spend three such [intel], the MC will describe where your target is; you say

how the clues led you to that knowledge and how you have your target or its

defenses at a disadvantage.

My question is how does the move look when utilized in your game and “note that it concerns your target”

Does this mean the player discribes fictionally how their research lead to this clue or is it possible to gather research or “farm intel” (as my players call it)

I had a player who began farming intel by researching “who owns the corner store” “where would i find my teammates hide out” ect ect. the intel gathered was then spent to track their target a group who had barricaded themselves inside an arcology. I allowed him to use the move and the intel but only gave him the building and the exterior defenses (since no one on the team researched the building or had ever stepped foot inside nor did they know who was leading this group). He seemed adamant the move should have revealed all their defenses and any leaders since he was tracking the group.

im looking for clarity on if i made the right call here any assistance would be appreciated.

Hey everyone

Hey everyone

Hey everyone,

here with another question, how much liberty do you give players when creating a custom item? I have a player who is wanting to create a custom vehicle. He is willing to spend the 8 cred and hit the streets.

the specs:

frame: hover craft/car

design: military

profile: Power+2, Looks+1, Weakness+2; 2-Armour

Strength: Fast & stealthy (active camo against visual and electronic surveillance)

Look: Dangerous (Im taking this as the +armed tag)

Weakness: cramped & guzzler

along with this he would like it to posses:

noise suppression system

gyroscopic mount for weapons

auto cannon

and omni directional firing.

He paying for a custom vehicle but i feel like this vehicle is a bit much with a lot of potential for fictional positioning but im not sure how to deal with it. someone please send your advice my way

Here with another question on how other GM’s handle a situation:

Here with another question on how other GM’s handle a situation:

Here with another question on how other GM’s handle a situation:

How do you address a player successfully mixing it up against an enemy with armor greater than their weapon damage ie pistol (2harm) vs military armor (3armour)

In this particular situation the objective was “to subdue or best the enemy team”

I ran a two-part mini-campaign in The Sprawl recently!

I ran a two-part mini-campaign in The Sprawl recently!

I ran a two-part mini-campaign in The Sprawl recently! Session Zero is also recorded. Episode 1 is more or less The Kurosawa Extraction out of the book, and episode 2 is dealing with the fallout from that.

(Please excuse my fumbling with the experience rules in the first half of episode 1, somebody did point out my errors.)


UK Games Expo ran last weekend and is now the world’s 3rd largest gaming con having apparently overtaken Origins.

UK Games Expo ran last weekend and is now the world’s 3rd largest gaming con having apparently overtaken Origins.

UK Games Expo ran last weekend and is now the world’s 3rd largest gaming con having apparently overtaken Origins.

I ran six games over the weekend mostly D100 system games (Call of Cthulhu, Laundry or Mythras) but took a side trip out of D100 gaming into Cyberpunk with The Downtown Dataheist. This a shorter scenario designed for conventions as a display/demo of the game. It works really well for that.

Like most PbtA games it is really for four player max so I kept the numbers to that and two couples who were big fans of the genre joined me at the table. They had been thinking about using The Sprawl in their own gaming so I was happy provide the push they needed. The team got into the swing of things and soon had the heist under way. One player got her Molly Millions character into the action by attacking a bunch of security goons and was very pleased not to have to do a long dreary combat – one roll and it was done. Later on a tougher set of security goons almost captured her but some deft use of grenades disoriented them and she ripped off the arm of the goon holding a gun to her head and beat him to death before intimidating the rest into retreating by threatening them with the bloody stump. Mission accomplished with some new fans for The Sprawl.

The link between the legwork clock and getting paid saw the light go on and much praise was elicited for the flow of the game mechanics and the players really, mostly, got in to the fiction.

Hi fellow Sprawlers!

Hi fellow Sprawlers!

Hi fellow Sprawlers!

I have a question regarding getting paid, that causes me a bit of a headache. (It might be because of the language barrier, as english is not my native tongue.)

As far as I can read, the characters invest 1-3 Creds during get the job. When the mission is over, and it’s time to get paid, a player makes a +empty legwork clock check.

– If you chose “the job pays well” in get the job, you receive twice your investment.

– If you choose “the job pays in full” when getting paid, you receive three times your investments – IF you also chose that the job paid well.

… but what if you didn’t chose that the job pays well or that you are paid in full? Or what if the job doesn’t pay well, but you are paid in full (or vice versa)?

Unfortunately I wasn’t prepared for the discussion the payment phase started (they chose to get fucked over, and I fucked them over), so I decided to ask this group, so I’m 100 % prepared for our next session in two weeks.

Hope you will/can clarify.

Hi guys!

Hi guys!

Hi guys!

I have two rule questions anchored in the hacker, that I hope you can help me clarify:

1. In the hacker playbook, the player can choose between two cyberdecks. Both decks allow the hacker to choose one program more than the Processor of the deck, even though the rules explains that you receive programs equal to the Processor rating. Am I missing something here?

2. When you choose programs, does the Efficiency Routines (+2 Processor) allow you to choose yet 2 more programs?

I hope some hacker-nerd can help me. 🙂

All the best

Just checking the status of the games I submitted for UK Games Expo this year.

Just checking the status of the games I submitted for UK Games Expo this year.

Just checking the status of the games I submitted for UK Games Expo this year. There are three Cthulhu games that I’m running in conjunction with Chaosium. There is Camp Sunny on Friday morning with 3 spots left. I guess most folks don’t arrive that early. All the others are sold out at the moment so definitely 113 player hours of gaming to look forward to and possibly more.

Friday evening it’s back to tentacles with another Call of Cthulhu scenario, this one’s a mystery as it’s one of the scenarios from the competition Chaosium ran earlier this year and I don’t get to see it until early May.

Saturday morning is TDM’s Mythic Rome “A vote for me is a vote for Rome”, a political election themed game. Saturday afternoon I’ll be running a 2 hour demo of The Sprawl, a PbtA cyberpunk game, The Downtown Dataheist. Saturday evening is another Cthulhu scenario, “The Dreaming Ward”.

Sunday morning is my usual Laundry game, this year it’s Case Cannibal Legend, as I like to finish the weekend with a fun, slightly light-hearted, game and Charlie Stross’ series is just the ticket