I haven’t had a chance to listen to these yet, but here’s another AP recording.

I haven’t had a chance to listen to these yet, but here’s another AP recording.

I haven’t had a chance to listen to these yet, but here’s another AP recording. This one’s a two-parter: here’s part one, there’s a link to part two on that page.


“Ji! Broadcast feed 13 NOW! Jose! We’re cutting in 3!”

“Ji! Broadcast feed 13 NOW! Jose! We’re cutting in 3!”

“Ji! Broadcast feed 13 NOW! Jose! We’re cutting in 3!”

[2..1.. Two smiling plastic presenters..]

“We interrupt this broadcast to bring you breaking news from Kendale Lakes!”

[Shakey cam on two confused, uniformed guards, weapons pointed at the viewer..]

“This is Jess McCormick live and on the air from JMRL’s top-secret feline research facility where I’ve just been shot by this JMRL security officer!”

[Tight zoom on officer one..]



I’ve just started watching Eric Vulgaris’s twitch stream of The Sprawl from last night and live tweeting.

I’ve just started watching Eric Vulgaris’s twitch stream of The Sprawl from last night and live tweeting.

I’ve just started watching Eric Vulgaris’s twitch stream of The Sprawl from last night and live tweeting.


I love how the Sprawl integrates corporations into the world and ties them to the players, almost making them…

I love how the Sprawl integrates corporations into the world and ties them to the players, almost making them…

I love how the Sprawl integrates corporations into the world and ties them to the players, almost making them characters in their own right.

Here are the ones my group came up with, I’m really stoked to see them in play. If you’ve got any thoughts, fire away!

Cerberus Cybernetics – A mil-tech and cybertechnogy conglomerate with expansive influence over the government after WW3. “Building a Better You”


-Deploy a cutting-edge cyber-operative

-Manipulate the government

-Launch a tactical operation

ARCA Corporation – Focused on fashion and consumer goods, they are secretly involved in biotechnology and genetics research. “Where Fashion Meets Function”


-Deploy a bioroid infiltrator

-Cause an unexpected “accident” (Exploding home appliances!)

-Buy out their allies

Paradigm Pharmaceuticals – A shadowy corporation dealing in experimental drug and chemical research, for both medicine and war. There are rumors of AI development in hidden labs as well. “Changing Minds”


-Unleash a chemical weapon

-Hide behind a front

-Perform a experiment

Yamakashi Media and Entertainment – A multinational media conglomerate that controls most of the news and promotes exotic sources of entertainment. They have eyes everywhere. “Experience Everything”


-Publicize and Expose a Target

-Violate someone’s privacy completely

-Sway public opinion

Karibos Orbital Industries – A venerable construction and manufacturing corporation that owns the planet’s only space elevator. “Holding Up Humanity”


-Scorch the Earth

-Strike from Above

-Build a solution


If you’ve got any awesome ones of your own, please share them too, I’d love to see what other groups have come up with!

Want to watch an actual play of The Sprawl on Twitch?

Want to watch an actual play of The Sprawl on Twitch?

Want to watch an actual play of The Sprawl on Twitch?

Jam this in your comms unit! (2016.03.27 // 1400 PT)

