When you encase your heart in metal, your body becomes a prison. Break free with The Better, a bonus skin for The Sprawl.
When you encase your heart in metal, your body becomes a prison.
When you encase your heart in metal, your body becomes a prison. Break free with The Better, a bonus skin for The Sprawl.
The file unfolds before you like mobius oragami.
The file unfolds before you like mobius oragami. Languidly spinning shapes resolve into names, faces, addresses, surveillance notes, analytics. A hovering cloud of intel beckoning you inside…
While the PoD layout is being finished, I’m working on a collection of Mission Files (a stretch goal which will go to backers first, then eventually be available on DTRPG as well). I’m taking the Mission Files as an opportunity to give more advice of creating and running missions. As well as being a mission framework in the style of The Kurosawa Extraction in the rulebook, each mission will expand and illustrate one or two concepts of general application to missions generally, and the low-prep style of play in particular. With that in mind, are there any topics you’d like to see expanded? Any concepts that you find unclear? Just want to see examples of a particular kind of mission?
EDIT: This thread contains a new playbook for Sprawl!
EDIT: This thread contains a new playbook for Sprawl!
1. I just got a hold of a copy and am utterly thrilled that Oakley, Angel, Grant Access & Nezumi (from a June 2013 playtest) all made it into the book. Although in the book version Oakley’s a punk; in the playtest he was a “cybernetically enhanced mouseketeer with a katana the size of a boogieboard.”
2. Does The Magicpunk expansion have rule for going completely Cyberware free? I’ve played (and read) characters who are defined by their refusal of body mods and, if nobody’s about to, was gonna make a playbook to that effect.
Ammo. When a player buys special ammo for one cred, does it last for one mission or do they have it forever? …
Ammo. When a player buys special ammo for one cred, does it last for one mission or do they have it forever? Please no “Whatever your heart desires” responses; I’m thinking of game balance and author’s intent as far as ammo goes.
So, I have added a “fear” mechanic to Necropolis which I absolutely don’t want abused.
So, I have added a “fear” mechanic to Necropolis which I absolutely don’t want abused. The intention is to underscore the supernaturally horrific elements of the setting and contrast them with the every day violence the PCs are already well hardened towards. I hope this wording makes that clear.
Keep It Together: When you first engage an unnatural situation roll+Cool. On a 10+ you keep it together, take +1 forward. On a 7-9 pick one:
– Take -1 ongoing until the situation is resolved or at least removed.
– You make a mistake that draws attention. The MC will advance an appropriate countdown clock.
– You lose or break a vitally important item or piece of equipment.
– Hesitate. The MC will make an appropriate move.
This move is extremely rare and is usually prompted by a character’s response to the MC’s reveal an unnatural situation move. There are two really critical words here: engage and unnatural. So first, the situation must actually be unnatural. The characters are professionals used to encountering all kinds of stress, dangers and violence. They normally have no problem keeping it together in the face of immensely brutal events. For this move to be relevant the situation must actually be unnatural in origin and obviously so to the characters.
Second, the character must be attempting to directly engage the unnatural thing. Actions which involving side-stepping or avoiding the unnatural element of the situation do not trigger the move. In this way this move is usually a precursor to another immediate follow up move. This short cut phrasing may help: “In order to
So last night I finished the initial text on Necropolis’s 13 major corporations and power bases.
So last night I finished the initial text on Necropolis’s 13 major corporations and power bases. I pulled them out into their own document so people here can take a look, if they’re interested.
Realized I posted this to my own feed, and not here as well.
Realized I posted this to my own feed, and not here as well.
Wrote this as part of my Necropolis text yesterday.
The MC’s Modified Agenda
For the most part the MC’s agenda for Necropolis is the same as any game of The Sprawl. The focus is still on mission-based action featuring competent professionals. However, to bring home the gothic style the MC has a couple of tweaks to his agenda to focus on.
Make Necropolis dirty, high-tech, excessive… and claustrophobic.
The new part of this agenda is the element of claustrophobia. Everything in Necropolis is narrow and winding. Streets and hallways seem to close in. Mist and clouds limit visibility. Most doors are locked. Nightclubs are packed. And there doesn’t appear to be anything outside the city itself.
But the physical world is only one dimension of space. Consider more abstract spaces, such as the emotional state of the characters, and make those claustrophobic as well. Have NPCs be inappropriately intimate with the character’s feelings and and willing to casually manipulate their fears and desires to the NPC’s own end. The world of Necropolis is a mirror waiting to show the characters the darkest reflections of themselves.
Fill the character’s lives with action, intrigue, complication… and horror.
The goal of the MC is not to scare the players or their characters. The world is too awful and the characters too hardened for that (although see the new Keep It Together move for an ounce of frailty). Instead, the MC is working toward moments of horror.
Horror is the momentary sense of disorientation one experiences when they can not properly reconcile what just happened with their standing expectations of how things ought to be. In keeping with the MC’s agenda to play to find out what happens these should not be specific planned events (although they may be lurking in the MC’s mission prep) but instead the MC should be opportunistically looking for openings in the fiction to up-end the character’s understanding of their situation, particularly as the basis for a hard move.
I was looking over Necropolis (my cybergothic setting for The Sprawl) and realized I probably should add a new kind…
I was looking over Necropolis (my cybergothic setting for The Sprawl) and realized I probably should add a new kind of threat. It helps spell out how I use supernatural beings within the setting.
New Threat: Monster
Monster Moves
Attack directly and savagely, without mercy.
Claim a lair by force or intrigue.
Reveal the frailty of human emotion.
Offer favor in exchange for sacrifice.
Display supernatural power beyond the reach of mortals.
Reveal the monster within humanity.
Attack the bonds between people.
Defile the sanctity of someone’s body.
Defile the sanctity of someone’s mind.
Change form, revealing something unexpected.
Gather servants to do your bidding.
Seduce someone.
Monster Goals: to corrupt, to breed, to feed, to kill, to control, to be worshiped
I’m new to the game and the community so I might have missed this in the book or on the + page but I have a question.
I’m new to the game and the community so I might have missed this in the book or on the + page but I have a question.
I’m looking to have power armour in my game so I’m trying to figure out the best way to handle it. Right now the most obvious to me is using drones with a profile but I’m wondering if I’m missing a better way.
Hi all
Hi all,
Just got a quick question on a possible typo in the current available pdf. In the Fixer playbook the Protection job you can gain with the Backup move has a disaster but no profit like all other jobs.
This is the case in both the main rulebook and the playbook pdf so not sure if this is intentional. If this job simply doesn’t have a profit then…..what’s its utility? Sure the move provides you with a gang which is nice but when you would want to perform a job that has no option of providing you with a benefit?