Hiya all. Quick question regarding the research move.

Hiya all. Quick question regarding the research move.

Hiya all. Quick question regarding the research move.

To trigger it: ”When you investigate a person, place, object, or service using a library, dossier or database (or combination of them), ask a question from the list below and roll Mind.”

Now how about simply walking around streets/clubs and asking for rumours? The Fixer and Hunter and Reporter have moved that imply that research could also be done like that, without libraries or dossiers.

But should it be saved for only those playbooks when those moves have been bought?

I know declsre contact is one way of representing ”word on the street” but then again those specific moves hint towards resesrch being able to be used like that.

Assess in my opinion is a bit different thing. So do you allow resesrch to be done through ”social hacking”in addition to files and databases?

Hi everyone, I’ve ran The Sprawl a few times as one-shots and am thinking about running a West Marches / Open Table…

Hi everyone, I’ve ran The Sprawl a few times as one-shots and am thinking about running a West Marches / Open Table…

Hi everyone, I’ve ran The Sprawl a few times as one-shots and am thinking about running a West Marches / Open Table campaign with it. Has anyone tried to do something similar? I would love to hear about other people’s experience.

My situation is that I don’t have a fixed roster of players, and the scheduling is semi-regular. But I want to run a persistent setting with a rotating cast of players. I think thematically The Sprawl is well suited for the job, but I will need to hack some of the systems… Links (due to high # of players) and Heat Clocks (probably individual ones rather than a group clock) come to mind. I will probably borrow heavily from DW Fronts that evolve as PCs affect the setting too. Jobs will be put together by me, rather than player initiated, by default.

Anyways, any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated!

Is there an example for what happen depending on the advancement in the threat and corporation clock?

Is there an example for what happen depending on the advancement in the threat and corporation clock?

Is there an example for what happen depending on the advancement in the threat and corporation clock?

I’m running a campaign right now, and I’m a little stuck on how I want to use the Corporate Clocks.

I’m running a campaign right now, and I’m a little stuck on how I want to use the Corporate Clocks.

I’m running a campaign right now, and I’m a little stuck on how I want to use the Corporate Clocks. Right now, two of the corporations are at 2100, and the retaliation phase description makes it clear that the corporation is going to take definite action against them. I’ve been doing between-mission action segments (think love letters) up until now, but the clocks have never been this high, so I haven’t had the “definite action” modifier in play.

So how does everyone here handle their corporate clocks? Do you do something different if it’s in the middle of a mission when a clock hits 2100 vs if it’s in legwork or even just in downtime? Do you have set “things” that go down in between missions for advanced clocks that aren’t yet at 0000?

Mainly what I’m thinking about here is whether I should force the PCs to deal with the 2100 clocks before embarking on their next “story” mission, or if I just want some assets from those corps to show up in every mission from here on out. I had one asset appear during legwork phase against one of the PCs, but with some great rolling, he dispatched the agent permanently, and described it in such a way that I was comfortable lowering the clock a segment. I don’t see that happening every time, though, so I want to have a clearer plan in place.

So, I’d love to hear how everyone else treats their corporate clocks, and what your “go-to actions” are for the clocks.

Can someone please explain “Mil Specs: When you mix it up, you count as a small gang.” in more detail.

Can someone please explain “Mil Specs: When you mix it up, you count as a small gang.” in more detail.

Can someone please explain “Mil Specs: When you mix it up, you count as a small gang.” in more detail. Mechanically the Killer will do better with Meat instead off using the gang’s size difference. Narratively the killer is doing what? I am not getting it.

These are the last two questions.

These are the last two questions.

These are the last two questions. Although, I guarantee that I’ll have many more after the first session, as questions come up in play.

Second question: Should recurring NPCs be created like a character, or would you recommend simply making them named threats?

Third question: When the PCs are engaged in a furious melee or firefight, do I simply use “mix it up”? Or, do the players “mix it up” while the Threats inflict Harm?

Redid the playbooks in US Letter format, black ink only.

Redid the playbooks in US Letter format, black ink only.

Redid the playbooks in US Letter format, black ink only.

Didn’t do much differently to the playbooks except:

1. Grouped the playbooks under some archetypes to facilitate one-shot play at conventions — they’ve got Machine, Mastermind, Matrix, Meat, and Metal tags (or combinations of).

2. Redid the “Names” section to be called “Street Name”, just with a list of names (no “a spooky name, a fruit-based name” here — just names) and added street names from characters in cyberpunk games I’ve run.

3. Changes the name of the Killer’s “More Machine than Meat” move to “More Metal than Meat” ’cause I’ve classified that playbook as Meat/Metal. Machines in the rough classification are things that aren’t part of your body: drones, vehicles, and the like.

4. The Incoming Datastream hex can be used for the Touch stat, if you’re planning on playing the upcoming Touched setting.

The whole point was to format these as-is, then copy and modify them for some convention games I’m planning on running.

Comments appreciated!
