Hitting the road to playtest Touched with Steve this afternoon. I’ll be tweeting it from @thesprawl_rpg.

Hitting the road to playtest Touched with Steve this afternoon. I’ll be tweeting it from @thesprawl_rpg.

Hitting the road to playtest Touched with Steve this afternoon. I’ll be tweeting it from @thesprawl_rpg.

The new Mix It Up is my jam as a MC.

The new Mix It Up is my jam as a MC.

The new Mix It Up is my jam as a MC. I felt like the .6 version was really clumsy, and now I have my team willfully advancing the action clock and dealing harm to themselves and each-other! Hamish, your experience designing moves really shines in this release. Now, the two hardest moves that I can use against my players, my players use against themselves! When they’re especially loud and careless, it really starts racking up the pain and ratcheting up the clock. I love it!

Hamish, I am very impressed.

Hamish, I am very impressed.

Hamish, I am very impressed. When Cyberpunk v3 came out, I was really disappointed by the layout. Your book doesn’t have a lot of artwork, but you’ve more than made up for it with your use of layout, color, and font choices. A LOT of time has been spent on this thing and it turned out way better than I expected. I noticed you even amped up the title page after some people voiced concerns. Serious props. Thank you for the hard work.