Far Beyond Humanity Career Week
Day 2 – Chosen
Behold! The Chosen, the channel of the otherworldly forces. Much like the Arcane career, the Chosen is an amalgamation of two earlier career concepts. In this case, both the prototype religious/spiritual aspects of those careers were merged into this new career (which also cut down on “filler” skills.
(Side note: Some of the non-supernatural skills from the prototype “Devoted” career ended inspiring a new career that I’ll be previewing tomorrow)
My favorite design here has to be Pact: The idea that a Skill can create a Faction that only that character can interact with, and the use of Debt as a metaphor for spiritual obligation/geas.
Ritual feels like a bit of an “advanced” skill, in that both GM and player could potentially stumble. But I’m not sure how to shape that idea in a way that guides without restricting… and without writing a novel-worth of rules text.
Lay On Hands was one of my first FBH designs, and hasn’t changed all that much. I appreciate it’s simplicity and how well it combos with other career elements (including new careers; Lay On Hands + Alchemy, for example). That said, when I design a skill like this, forever after I have to consider that all other skills that interact with Patch Up also interacts with this.
Tomorrow: The Fanatic