Random Fellow World critters that didn’t eat anyone’s leg
Random Fellow World critters that didn’t eat anyone’s leg
Random Fellow World critters that didn’t eat anyone’s leg
I am looking for some guidance on debt – it’s a great concept and I was happy to see it featured so prominently in…
I am looking for some guidance on debt – it’s a great concept and I was happy to see it featured so prominently in the game.
But I don’t see how it engages with the rest of the rules. Where do moves and debt interface?
I was looking for something similar to what exists in Urban Shadows – but the lack of engagement with the rest of the system kind of brought me up short just as I was getting really excited to run this game.
Help me see what I’m missing – I’ve got some scifi to play!
Perseus Expansion – Episode 6
Perseus Expansion – Episode 6
Smashing through the stargate the players are in another system. Beyond sensors pick up the signs of a closing fleet. Discretion required so off to a nearby gas giant with two rocky moons and observe Proceedings. The good Doctor starts to work on the problem, divising a plan to build a remote switch to turn off the gate. This is going to require some spare parts, as even cannibilising the ship will be insufficient.
Interrogating their Harmonious Future prisoner reveals that the faction has been colluding with stranded elements of the Gallach an ancient warlike people who are seeking to explore and conquer beyond their stargate.
Tempted by the inner system garden world, Tyrrell scans the nearest rock giant and picks up an energy spike. What they discover astounds them. The moon has the remains of a long dead city and civilisation. To the north of the ruins lies a functioning gate with a window onto a beautiful and lush garden world. Nothing like this has been encountered before. It appears to be a miniature version of the stargate. After the traditional, ‘throw a rock through first’ gambit the players risk everything and walk through.
This instantly transports them through to the inner system garden world of Tartaros ii. After a rather tentative negotiation with the discovered natives, they are befriended. As a servile race to the Gallach, the indigenous people helped the players and took them to the old ruins of the Gallach not far from their settlement.
A battle with a Gallach war droid sentinel, released some unexpected spare parts that would do the immediate good. After a building scene and a switch created, the players set off to sabotage the gate as best they can and return to Perseus space and warn the worlds of an encroaching alien battle fleet.
And so they do. The switch will be discovered and rendered out of action at some point, but what the hell. They act as couriers of doom right through to the capital, Phaedra. With copious evidence, their story has credence and the system fleets are readied for action.
A breathtaking pause and a good place to hold the game for another possible few sessions in the future.
Of interest to those seeking planetary inspiration.
Of interest to those seeking planetary inspiration.
Originally shared by Andrew “Incomitatum” Chason
==== Today’s [collab] Planet : Inias ====
Perspective is about where you find yourself. As a human you can breathe on Inias, but for 80% of the planet you are going to bake and crumble to dust. Save for the poles, and only as an artifact of the terrain, Inias is a nearly uninhabitable hell.
All around the globe Inias is inundated by high winds. These winds have eroded the deserts into a nearly flat grit, while evaporating the once prevalent lakes into salt flats. The peaks that are left have been sheered into long horizontal buttes. If you could stand on the flats for long you’d hear the gales singing through the canyons.
The partition between hot and cold, equatorial desert and polar tropics, is a near constant monsoon. The rains are welcomed but needs filtration: the acidic downpour a testament of a previous planetary catastrophe. While the polar regions bristle with lush vegetation they are home to a particular sort of Kapok, what would be tall trees if not for their proclivity to adapt and grow horizontally with the wind.
The northern and southern polar rainforests are home to two clans of a near identical species. They have proven to be sentient and their intelligence has led them through the centuries to an age of industry. Their diesel guzzling machinations have stripped whole valleys of timber, just as readily as they brave the heat beyond the monsoons to evacuate the deserts of their assets.
The natives seem to have developed independent of one another, but at a similar pace. While there would have been tales, It is likely they would not have learned of one another until they had developed radio. Now each is well into mastering flight, a discipline reinforced by a planet saturated in high winds. Thrillseekers have invented a coveted pastime: gliding on hot currents from the flat tops of the mesas just beyond the curtains of rain.
The northern and southern clans do NOT see eye-to-eye; the leaders of each spouting vitriol about how the other is a bastard race and the planet does not belong to them. It is only a matter of time before skirmishes between stubborn squads leads to all-out war. To outsiders placing bets, it is suspected whichever clan reaches the stars first, will annihilate the other completely.
For those seeking planetary inspiration.
For those seeking planetary inspiration.
Originally shared by Andrew “Incomitatum” Chason
==== Today’s Planet : Chalon ====
Chalon is a crown jewel of the Ascendency. A lush garden world, it’s eccentric orbit means it is in a constant state of flux, into and out of ages of ice. When it is in one of its cold spells, many of the polar continents are connected by frozen land bridges. These fluctuations are ingrained in the Chalon on a biological level, and thought to be the very thing that drove the aristocratic nomads to the stars.
The most distinctive feature, that can be enjoyed from space, are the vibrant, violet, algae blooms. Normally these microbes are caught up in the rose colored ice, but when the seas turn a sheen of purple, the Chalon know that a bounty of warmth will follow. In turn these algae massage the water and release emissions that encourage the pleasant years to persist. The Chalon have the means to terraform their homeworld, they’ve done so with many others; but they do not, out of tradition and a respect for their breeding.
Despite the cold, Chalon is much warmer than Chalet (no relation). The planet has a geological record and mineral makeup not dissimilar to earth-that-was. The Atmosphere of Chalon would be comfortable to human lungs. However the Ascendency does not play well with the Triumvirate and as Humans are widely known to be vassals of the Mudren… the only Humans to be guests of Chalon have been in chains. The ruthless canine Lords of Chalon are always looking for new pets.
OK, maybe I’m impulsive.
OK, maybe I’m impulsive. Playing around with a tweaked version of MapGen. Note, the program spits out text. You copy that into something like MS Paint and add the lines yourself based on the info in the key. Thoughts?
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World/Galaxy/Universe creation – post your tools and systems for use during a first session.
World/Galaxy/Universe creation – post your tools and systems for use during a first session.
I like the Diaspora cluster creation system myself
Does anyone have a sector map that they have created with world info and all that they would be willing to share?
Does anyone have a sector map that they have created with world info and all that they would be willing to share?
Jesse R – after our conversation last night now I need to do cyberpunk using this rules set.
Jesse R – after our conversation last night now I need to do cyberpunk using this rules set.
For cybernetic upgrades I’m thinking you get 2 mods which can be drawn from the vehicle upgrades list. Boosters would be cybernetic legs that let you jump real high. Maybe a neural implant that let’s you make Access rolls using interface “wirelessly”. Armored or plated is titanium bone grafts.
When you enter the matrix so to speak you get data points to represent downloading software packages (I know Kung fu). Or this could represent a skill chip implant when not in the matrix.
What do you think?
I put this article up on my blog, offering my thoughts on the system.
I put this article up on my blog, offering my thoughts on the system.