It’s time for Episode 3.

It’s time for Episode 3.

It’s time for Episode 3. During a little R&R, the crew of the ¡Smash N Grab! agree to a favor for one of Varg Landicrue’s contacts. Varg discovers some great new cyberware for giving presentations, and Frank421 gets into a little hot water on the desert planet Nubisonalle.

Carta Galaxia Development Update #23

Carta Galaxia Development Update #23

Carta Galaxia Development Update #23

Happy (slightly belated) Canada Day everyone! And Happy pre-emptive 4th of July to our southern friends.

It feels good to be back in the saddle, actually getting writing done. I’m trying to pace myself, keep a good work/writing/family balance going (I hear tell of a mythical thing called sleep, I’ll have to give it a try).

I’m happy to report that I have finished the first draft of Chapter 2 – Jump Points, and I’d be very interested to hear feedback. I’ve attached it to this post, so please check it out!

It’s separated into 3 parts:

– How to create a compelling Jump Point

– Running a Jump Point

– 6 Example Jump Points

For the examples, I tried to give a wide enough diversity in the examples, scenarios that will cater to different character archetypes and playgroups. Most of these are Jump Points that I’ve run for a variety of play groups, so they’re at least somewhat tested (Checkpoint ended up being super deadly the two times I ran it and needed to be toned waaaay down).

I’m quite pleased at how the overall formatting of the Jump Points came out. I tried to keep them brief (1 page) without making them too obtuse or inscrutable. Tell me if you think they need to be 2-pagers with more guidance instead (like the original “Planet-Bound Salvage” example Jump Point from the UW core book).

episode 29 is our season finale! Hoping to have some questions answered? well, sorry….

episode 29 is our season finale! Hoping to have some questions answered? well, sorry….

episode 29 is our season finale! Hoping to have some questions answered? well, sorry….

Carta Galaxia – Yet Again

Carta Galaxia – Yet Again

Carta Galaxia – Yet Again

So after carefully considering all the feedback, I’ve decided that I will be starting back up on Carta Galaxia with a reduced scope. I think I over-extended myself and was unable to deliver on what I thought I needed.

The new plan for CG is this: A few pages going over the theory of a topic (Settings, Jump Points, NPCs, Worlds) then a few pages of examples to lift and drop into the game in a pinch. The back of the book will have a slew of pre-made assets to drool over (because while it does add clutter, I’m a little nostalgic for the “gear porn” pages of more traditional games).

Plus I’m toying with something special to me: a Lifepath system for Uncharted Worlds. Just because.

So here’s the new breakdown of Carta Galaxia. I hope to have new chapter previews available soon. That said, I’m going to take things slower to avoid burning myself out again.

Campaign Settings

– – Creating a New Setting

– – Premade Campaign Settings (including factions)

Jump Points

– – Creating a Jump Point

– – Running a Jump Point

– – Premade Jump Points

People and Places

– – Creating New Locations

– – Premade Locations

– – General NPC advice

– – Premade NPCs


– – Lifepath (alternate character creation)

Running a Game

– – General gameplay (Difficulty, Get Involved, etc)

– – Combat examples

– – Exploration

– – Long Term Campaigns

– – – – New Advancement system (from FBH)


– – Premade Assets is looking for GMs is looking for GMs is looking for GMs

Late 20th century Retrofuturism

08/24-08/26 Providence RI

Please submit an event at

Uncharted Worlds is a perfect fit and I wish a GM can come and run it.

You get GM badge for everyday/4hours, and access to the volunteer lounge

Designers contact me, we would like to showcase you

Follow on Twitter @gamesondemandri

In episode 2, we wrap up the first jump point with some heated debate on what it means to truly be kidnappers.

In episode 2, we wrap up the first jump point with some heated debate on what it means to truly be kidnappers.

In episode 2, we wrap up the first jump point with some heated debate on what it means to truly be kidnappers. Things have gone pear-shaped when your orbital pacification trooper is the voice of peace and reason.

Hello everyone.

Hello everyone.

Hello everyone.

First off, my deepest congratulations to Sean Gomes for his tremendous work on the UW & FBH source books. I had been searching for a narrative-oriented system other than Fate for a Star Wars Campaign that I’d planned to run for a decade, and UW seems to fit perfectly.

After our first session, I would love to have the community’s feedback on how to manage the Dark Side or any kind of corruption. Apart from the narrative and maybe notes or special events that I could set up as a GM, I was wondering if had use any game mechanics that could help me to keep track of one of my PC’s light/dark tendencies.

Thank you in advance!