About the advancements. I quickly read the manual, so I can be wrong, however I saw that you can “simply” add more moves from your careers. Correct?
Well, I love advancement in RpGs, and I own almost every AW-based game that exists. So: why limit the advancement to some new move? Why to not add some “special” advancement, that gives one or more of these:
– +1 to a Stat (maybe another +1 to another Stat in a successive special advancement).
– An additional “slot” to endure an additional minor damage (and, in a successive special advancement, an additional medium damage)
– An automatic “big” asset, like “A new ship”, or “A loyal crew/community/gang”, or “A secret base”
– A sidekick (you create a “backup” character, and this is introduced in the fiction, useful as sidekick, backup PC when another PC is out of the scene for a while etc.)
I’d say you can easily add these to the core rule, and a lot of from-zero-to-hero player enthusiasts will be grateful for that!!!
Also, a fantastic idea could be tie these special advancements to specific careers, so for example, the Military gets +1 Stat and +1 Damage Slot, the Starfarer gets +1 Stat and a Backup Ship, the Scoundrel gets +1 Damage Slot and A Gang etc.
I feel the standard rules a little “plain”, mildly exciting.