On to the Personality career (#7 of 10).

On to the Personality career (#7 of 10).

On to the Personality career (#7 of 10). In earlier iterations, this career was the only source of social-based skills. The other careers have picked up the slack somewhat, but a ‘career/Personality’ is still the best way to have an influential, interaction-oriented character.

A lot of reworking went into the current skills; I had to make the decision whether to make them “rules air-tight” but long winded, or to make them succinct but open to interpretation. I opted for the latter.

Tomorrow! The villainous, scruffy Scoundrel.


The Military career is our 6th reveal.

The Military career is our 6th reveal.

The Military career is our 6th reveal. The Military is one of the careers that has changed the least in the iterations of the rules. Aside from updating and refining the language/template of the skills, the main design and thrust of the career crystallized early on.

I tried to play up the command and control elements of the career to give it wider appeal to less-than-obvious career combinations. That said, this is a career that will attract a certain kind of player above others, and I’m ok with that.

Also, I dread to think of the aberrations that will be created by a Military Industrial character with Unique Weapon and Upgrade. A Class 4 weapon. One shudders at the possibilities for inventive destruction.

Tomorrow, for all you Faces out there, the Personality career.


The 5th career is the Industrial.

The 5th career is the Industrial.

The 5th career is the Industrial. The way this career evolved during development, almost all of its skills ended up being “modal” (choose one from a list). I’m not unhappy with that, because it feels very “engineer-y” to have the choice of a lot of different customization and tweaks. That said, taken all together the skills can seem a bit overwhelming in the sheer number of choices.

Tomorrow, the Military career.

(Also for some reason my Word has been publishing PDFs weirdly since yesterday, no idea why)


Our 4th career is the Explorer.

Our 4th career is the Explorer.

Our 4th career is the Explorer. This career balances between wilderness-related skills and general bravery/reckless skills. Those who followed the alpha version of the rules might notice an important omission; the ‘Animal Companion’ skill was removed. Lots of reasons why, mostly it felt clunky and anachronistic… plus for some reason I just don’t like animal companion in RPGs.

For those of you interested in the math of Recklessness, an unmodified roll has ~83.5% chance of having consequences, and half that time it will be a failure.

41.67% Failure with consequences

41.67% Success with consequences

16.67% Success

So while Recklessness increases your chance of failure by ~9%, it greatly increases your chance of succeeding flawlessly. (Of course, that math goes out the window with modifiers)

Tomorrow, the Industrial career.


Hey Sean, my group is excited to play – we’ll start next week.

Hey Sean, my group is excited to play – we’ll start next week.

Hey Sean, my group is excited to play – we’ll start next week.

Do you have any rough rules on star ship creation options? I haven’t dug on the ApocW forum on the UW thread yet…perhaps there?

Also how has play testing worked with your harm method?  It seems easy to be able to assign very dangerous/deadly dmg to pcs, so in combat, on a weak hit using the non-harm options more often perhaps> ie; adding story/event complications. 

Today we have the Commercial career.

Today we have the Commercial career.

Today we have the Commercial career. This is probably the career that has seen the most iteration: the basic Barter and Acquisition moves have evolved numerous times due to playtest feedback, and the poor Commercial career skills had to be changed repeatedly. Hopefully, players who want a more Traveller-esque game of interstellar commerce will find something useful in this career.

Tomorrow: The intrepid, daring Explorer career.


Today we’re looking at the Clandestine career.

Today we’re looking at the Clandestine career.

Today we’re looking at the Clandestine career. Bit of assassin, spy, investigator and saboteur, all around ‘problem solver’.

Tomorrow: The Commercial career.


Transcribing the Careers to the latest ruleset, and doing a massive (and very cathartic) clean-up of the skills.

Transcribing the Careers to the latest ruleset, and doing a massive (and very cathartic) clean-up of the skills.

Transcribing the Careers to the latest ruleset, and doing a massive (and very cathartic) clean-up of the skills.

Today we introduce the intelligent, educated Academic career. I’ll try to have a new Career posted to the group every day. Tomorrow: The sinister, secretive Clandestine career.
