Synopsis of Session 0 of my new Online Uncharted Worlds campaign.

Synopsis of Session 0 of my new Online Uncharted Worlds campaign.

Synopsis of Session 0 of my new Online Uncharted Worlds campaign.

In our first ever session of the Uncharted Worlds: A Journey Into the Unknown, we established a ragtag group of mercenaries, pirates and profiteers hell-bent on taking advantage of a weak and war-torn system. During this session, we created characters (mostly) and played out the beginning of our Heros’ first adventure: the acquisition of a space ship from the run-down remants of Theta station.

We jumped right into the action under the bubble shield on the main level of the Theta Station platform. Sven, Harland and Thanatos all stood together among ships of all shapes and sizes, all of them in disrepair and mired with wear and tear and damage. Sven and his accomplices, a group of rough and tumble mercenaries who he had persuaded quite convincingly to leave their own criminal enterprises for a promising share in adventure, riches, and notoriety.

Immediately, the group made note of 5 security bots watching them and their unusually well-equipped squad. Taking note of this, both Thanatos ( a tall, grizeled mercenary with a penchant for violence) and Harland Briggs (a smug and inventive technomancer with a knack for the unexpected) made their best attempts to remain unseen as they split from the group. Unfortunately, Thanatos’ skills lay elsewhere, and his large frame and errant feet caused him to fall in front of the attentive robots, who, sensing a possible threat, scanned him thoroughly before moving back to their posts. Meanwhile, Harland’s wiles and a murmured paradox allowed him to move past undetected and begin his own efforts on the nearest computer terminal: a barely functioning piece of machinery he was nevertheless able to use to infiltrate and hijack the poorly protected computers system of the station.

With the surveillance robots following, the rest of the group followed his instructions and shared data to the elevator that would lead them to their vaunted prize: the most expensive craft on the station, an Alton Cruiser on the lower levels of the station. However, they quickly came across unforeseen complications.

A duo of security guards met them at the elevator and asked for identification. Due to the less than legitimate means the group had entered the station, they were unable to comply, and Thanatos, itching for a fight, began the hostilities. Between the combined firepower of the heroes and their allies, they were able to incapacitate and dispatch all 5 of the security droids as well as killing the remaining guard, but not without consequence. A missed electric shot struck Thanatos, paralyzing his legs temporarily and causing him to pulse with hot and damaging electricity,.

From there, they were able to override the lift’s main systems and use it to descend several levels, all the while attempting to care for Thanatos in his injured condition. After bypassing a level full of unguarded cargo, the characters made their way down to the correct elevation of the craft’s hangar area and made haste, as it was clear that the authorities were making their best attempt to override the hijacked server. Instead of choosing the longer way around, they decided to risk a quicker, yet more dangerous route to their destination through corridors and areas of incredible rot and disrepair.

During that time, they encountered a strange organism equal parts cybernetic and gooey organic, which they quickly dispatched without a second thought before continuing on. With the use of their remaining administrative access, they were able to traverse the remaining distance to their destination by disabling the gravity systems and floating over several chasms and pits that blocked their way.

Eventually, the party’s journey came to an end in a hangar dominated by the Alton cruiser, a savage looking craft with two tusk-like protrusions on either side of its body, reminiscent of the ancient Alton raiders. However, standing in front of it, armed to the teeth, is an old friend of Sven’s dressed in crimson syndicate garb. “We’ve been expecting you.” he says with a carniverious smile.

Had a fun mini-session (around an hour and a half) with a couple of players yesterday, wrote up a short Play Report.

Had a fun mini-session (around an hour and a half) with a couple of players yesterday, wrote up a short Play Report.

Had a fun mini-session (around an hour and a half) with a couple of players yesterday, wrote up a short Play Report.

Setting: Shadowrun-esque Dystopian City

8X – Cyborg Assassin (Programmed Augmented Clandestine)

Geomar – Rebel Miner (Impoverished Industrial Fanatic)

While trying to meet with a contact, the two ended up in a bar-room brawl. 8X saw their contact get pickpocketed by a young hive-ganger under the cover of a general brawl and intercepted her, while Geomar dealt with a belligerent orc who was furious/terrified of Geomar’s vague-but-seemingly-personal relations with the orc’s sister (and the social consequences for their family, fraternizing with a known terrorist).

The hive-ganger passed off her holomusic audition disc as “the thing she stole” and fled 8X with the actual prize; a data rod she was hired to steal.

Geomar took a heavy iron barstool to the side of the head, was tossed over the bar, and brawled with the orc woman before he was able to retreat to the parking lot.

Using the holomusic disc, the two used the surface SectorNet to track the hive-ganger girl who stole the data rod, and discovered a revolting history of abuse and desperation in the process. They tracked her to a youth hostel in an ash-covered ore processing district. 8X set up a sniper position from Geomar’s beat up pickup truck, while Geomar assessed the possible escape routes if the girl got away.

Instead he stumbled on the girl herself just as she was handing over the data rod to her employer, an almost invisible woman in a stealth suit. The hive-ganger was promptly executed by her treacherous employer, leaving Geomar at the scene of the murder, desperately hunting an invisible foe as the hostel workers found him with the murdered hive-ganger.

I’m running a roll20 campaign of uncharted worlds online! Anybody interested in getting in on it?

I’m running a roll20 campaign of uncharted worlds online! Anybody interested in getting in on it?

I’m running a roll20 campaign of uncharted worlds online! Anybody interested in getting in on it?




The following is not an actual play as it doesn’t reference the mechanics at all its just the narrative and story of the first session and eludes to what happened in the second which i have yet to write up.

That said i’ve yet to actually get the crew to choose a name for the ship yet and its… ummm, well we’ll get to that.

Without further ado i give you the first of (hopefully) many sessions of my player’s Total F**k-ups

We close our Uncharted Worlds journey with the crew dealing with the law, the press, and strange invitations.

We close our Uncharted Worlds journey with the crew dealing with the law, the press, and strange invitations.

We close our Uncharted Worlds journey with the crew dealing with the law, the press, and strange invitations. And Flanders gets a gentleman’s assistant.

Download Link:

Okay, I had the chance to GM UW with my gaming group.

Okay, I had the chance to GM UW with my gaming group.

Okay, I had the chance to GM UW with my gaming group. We played for 11 hours (5 hours the night before, 6 hours on Sunday).

We had a crew of 4: a cylon skinjob industrial-tecnocrat (with her trusty AI made of nanites, and a personal starfighter), a trobian medic academic-clandestine (new race a player created: basically humans with carapaces on their joints), a human chief of security military-explorer, and a mechanic chief personality-starfarer (with his band of armed not-so-merry men).

They created their chars in 30 minutes or so, but spent a good hour on their ship layout. This included checking visual references online and discussing the ship specs. In the end, it was a 3-deck ship (lower deck was quarters and sickbay; middle deck was cargo bay with two fighter launch tubes and engines with the chief of security’s bunker; upper deck was the helm with dedicated comm station).

Then we discussed Whose Ship is That Anyway? And they followed the military route. So, I ruled they had other 5 fighters at disposal (with a similar amount of red shirt pilots, callsigns chosen by the cylon: Hot Dog, Big Mac, Burguer… and so on), two marines, and a few extra red shirts.

(On a second thought it may be too much, but they were enjoying, so I let them roll with that: the limits were “if it could fit somehow on a modified Millenium Falcon, you can have it”)

We talked about the Factions (each player created one and I added another one in the mix: the Border Worlds), and we were ready to go. I started to ask questions.

I found out there are a few other races in the universe (including Vulcans and Toris AKA Space Vikings), but the particular subsector they were in (randomly generated) was mostly humans.

The Military was part of the United Confederation of Planets (UCP).

The UCP fought a war with the Toris and won (with help from the Border Worlds).

The Border Worlds are on the “upper” part of the subsector, they started on the “lower”.

They only had data scan of 4 planets linked by jump points at first.

Earth does exist, but it’s far far far away.

Inter star system comm is almost instantaneous. Each hex of distance adds 30 minutes to that (to a maximum of 48 hours), so there’s almost no “live discussion with home base”.

The players decided one of them would be the commander of the ship (I gave the option of a NPC commander). After some discussion, they almost had the chief of security as CO, decided the medic would be the one.

This made them decide they had a Medical Ship and named it after a real Brazilian medic that appears on TV giving tips on a major network… So, we had the UCS Varella (United Confederation Ship Varella).

Considering this, I suggested assigning ranks to them. They found it would be a good idea and rolled with that. Our cast become:

*Commander Scatt, Trobian Medic

*Captain Caprisix, Cylon CAG

*Lieutenant Bruck, Human Chief of Security

*Lieutenant Arvos, Human in charge of the Hangar

Other crew:

*Ensign Allura v2, the AI

*Lieutenant Camino, the grumpy by-the-book Medic

*Lt. (j.g.) Rupert, outgoing nurse

*5 Fighter jocks named after fast food items

*2 marines

*The 8 not-so-merry men

*6 other wildcard redshirts

The UCS Varella had a crew of 28, could operate with 4 or 6, and would be able to have a total body count of 50 or so humanoids… At least that was the idea.

(and if you are reading this untill now, you deserve a Medal of Valor for braving this wall of text)

We started with a distress signal from a cargo ship (borrowing heavily from Traveller this time, as they were not familiar with that and I knew the speech by heart: “Mayday, mayday! This is the free trader Beowulf…” you know the rest).

They sent two fighters to investigate and moved toward the derelict ship. It was losing pressure in three points, but there was no signs of attack. Suddenly, a blip in their sensors gave the postion of a unknown fighter. One of the fighters was hit, and the Varella opened fire. The bogey evaded and drop a mine layer. Hot Dog shot a missile salvo, it hit the mines, and after the explosion there was no sign of the bogey. However, they were not so far from the system’s core mass, and a jump there would be impossible… Ot that bogey was obliterated, or it jumped from a position no ship could…

(at least that was what they thought; in fact, it had stealth measures and it became cloaked, flying away)

Yet Lt. Arvos found out the bogey emitted ionic traces… And only the Border Worlds used ionic drives (the UCP used anti-grav and fusion drives).

The started rescuing the crew of the Beowulf (6 people on the ship’s manifest; found 3, all dead, and stopped searching). It seemed the depressurization happened from the inside the ship.

They waited for a reply from the fleet and were told the Beowulf should be completely destroyed. Not even debris should remain. When that was taken care, the Varella should contact the fleet again.

I ended the first session with a bleep on their comm system: Message from Admiral Tolwyn of the UCS Victory (yes, I borrowed that from Wing Commander series). The players wanted to know what the message was, but I ended with that cliffhanger.

When we resumed the game, the very next day, they found out the Varella should rendez-vous with the UCS Victory on a nearby system. Admiral Tolwyn asked a few questions too (remember there’s no “live” talk). They mentioned the ionic drives and their suspicions…

Borrowing again from Wing Commander (IV), on their way to the rendevous-point they watched Admiral Tolwyn talking to the UCP Council telling them the Border Worlds would be investigated, their ships couldn’t enter UCP space without escorts, but he was hesitant of calling this a state of war. If, and when, he had more answers, he would address the Council again.

The rendesvouz with the UCS Victory gave them the glimpse of what is a Class 4 ship: the Varella could dock in the Victory’s hangar.

Tolwyn would receive Commander Scatt personally. Captain Caprisix decided to meet Allura v1 (the player told me she prevented the old model from being decomissionated and that led to a warm roleplay scene when they met). Lt. Arvos met Victory’s Chief of Maintenance and exchanged a few word, got a few replacement parts, and as he was Famous, he also grabbed a oxigen tank full of the beer the mechanics of the Victory made. Meanwhile, Lt. Bruck was aboard the Varella, monitoring the situation… and noticing the Victory was accessing the full ship database…

Long story short, the Admiral asked a lot of questions regarding the attack, demanded nothing should be included on the logs (including the personal logs), and asked all evidence should be purged from the Varellas computers. When Commander Scatt allowed that, all related data was erased.

The Admiral also asked the Varella to escort three cargo vessels from a nearby system to a (new system, at least for them) planet with a large refinery.

They left, jumped to the starting point, met with the three vessels… and Captain Caprisix scanned them: they were carrying two large lead containers (and lead prevented further analysis… but the ships’ manifest indicated they were carrying lead sheets). Three fighters were sent to escort them. The Varella followed suit.

During the journey, the Varella’s sensor indicated a Border Worlds’ transport ship (ionic traces) on the edge of the system. As no Border Worlds vessel should operate without military escort, one of the fighters was sent to intercept it, and the Varella broke formation to give support.

The BWS Pathway ignored the hailing at first, but then revealed they wouldn’t bow to the UCP directives, as they believed in a free space for all. After warning shots were fired (and ignored), Commander Scatt gave the order to neutralize, the Pathway (and destroy it if it gave resistance).

The Pathway had two cannons (one up, another down) only. The idea was to shot one of them, and shot the engines…

The problem was the 6- rolled.

And the Get Invoved with 7-9…

Basically, the cannon was disabled and the engine hit. However, due to a chain reaction in the contention array (I love technobabble), the engine would explode soon. The Pathway then sent a distress signal, saying they were attacked by UCP ships… and revealed they were carrying women and children in large amounts.

I set my smartphone to a 15-minute countdown and asked them what would they do.

Two players wanted to destroy the ship (We are following orders!), other two wanted to save the refugees (They will die if we do nothing!). I told them the countdown was running and that was the deadline for taking any action.

It was great to see their struggle.

Meanwhile, the Pathway’s CO didn’t want “to be saved just to become prisioner”… and one aboard shot him in the head, saying they wanted to be saved. After that mutiny, the players’ discussion became louder, as some didn’t want to see armed people aboard the Varella…

And to make things worse: the Pathway carried 63 women, 19 children and 58 men.

When the clock showed 1 minute left, they decided to rescue them, forcing them to be on the hangar/cargo bay, provided they entered unnarmed (Varella’s redshirts would verify that, including checking the children toys). That meant no other fighter could launch and all refueling would be made externally.

A few rolls showing 7-9 also gave them a surprise: during the rescue, they external launch tube door jammed, and the hasty decision was to manually explode the mechanism in order to shut it. That worked, but caused a small rupture on the launching tube, and they didn’t had the materials to repair that… Without repair, entering atmosphere would blow the ship.

The solution was to use the lead sheets in the escorted cargo vessels… but that meant sending people on a space walk to meet one of the fighters out there and use it as a transport.

Meanwhile, the current leader of the refugees revealed they were fleeing the Border Worlds due to the war booming on the frontier. They were a peaceful cult who believed in the divinity of every being (and also angels), and simply wanted to be away from the conflict…

Yet one of the not-so-merry men became fond of one of the rescued ladies and advanced on her. The Chief of Security saw that and prevented the conflict of escalating… But when she returned to her “bunker” he and a pal followed her. A few punches, another matrix movement, and she was able to grab both by the neck. What she decided to do? Kill them both.

She told the Commander what happened and he put her in the Brig (yes, now we have a brig… on the engine section of the ship, near “the bunker”) for the moment. The leader of the rescuees met her there and gave her legal advice (basically, “do not answer any questions, as if this indeed becomes a Court Martial matter, you’ll may be in trouble”)…

On the cargo ship, a team was assembled to retrieve the lead sheets. However, the container had an electronic lock no one had access… They hacked the door, but it emitted a kind of distress signal.

Inside, there was no lead sheet. They were carrying large ionic drives.

Considering the problem at hand, they dismantled the lead door and used that as a makeshift repair, allowing the Varella to land more-or-less safely on the refinery planet.

Repairs made en route to the destination, they landed on a very harsh planet with no vegetation on the surface (bio traces showed edible fungus in tunnels below). The refugees agreed to be deployed on a large island far from the refinery and that allowed the Varella to follow her mission… Cap. Caprisix also convinced the Commander he needed to free Lt. Bruck, at least for now, as she may be needed.

Scanning the refinery resulted in nothing: it was built on a dense metal mountain (they were refining those metals there). And more: the refinery was heavily guarded (they used military-grade rifles).

Asking to see the one in charge, Captain Caprisix and Lt. Bruck met with a man who saluted them in military fashion. She asked about the ionic drive and he said it was needed to power the drilling machines… and as those ionic drives were far more powerful than usual UCP stuff, the Admiralty decided to use them off the record. Saying their farewells, and with more questions than answers (and asking themselves if Admiral Tolwyn was playing them to incite the war), they returned to the Varella, now fully operational once more.

Without another directive, the Commander decided to return to receive new orders (and ask other questions). However, near the border of the system, the UCS Victory jumped near them.

“Varella, this is Victory-Actual. Are you in a secure line? I need to talk to you directly… without your crew.”

Everyone exchanged glances when the Commander asked the transmission to be transferred to his quarters… There, Tolwyn said he was extremely disappointed with him, as his mission was to escort the cargo vessels only, not to pry and see what they were carrying, as that was a matter of utmost tactical importance…

Meanwhile, I took a piece of paper and scribble a little. Then I gave it to Cap. Caprisix, who was at the comm/sensors station. “You notice the UCS Victory is powering all their weapons.”

Tolwyn continued, “So, Commander, it’s my displeasure to do this, but as duty commands me that, it’s something I must…”

Cap. Caprisix gave me the paper back. “Preparing Wild Jump.”

“So,” said Tolwyn, “goodbye, Commander.”

“What does he mean by ‘goodbye’?,” asked the other players. “What’s happening?”

I described the energy beams and the missile salvos… And then Caprisix said those four letters: “J U M P”

I ended the session right there. My players looked at me with an incredulous look on their faces…

No one knows what’ll happen. I’ll leave the Wild Jump roll to the very next game.



We just ended our second session, the first one in which we played. And play we did, for 8 hours!

We’ve got the Nobleman (privileged, clandestine, personality) from the poorest system in the cluster; and the Entrepreneur (crowded, commercial, explorer), and the Hacker (advanced, scoundrel, technocrat) who are both traitors from the most advanced and powerful system, recruited by the Noble.

We’re working for the poorest system in the cluster, and our larger mission is to keep the most dominant players at odds. So, we took down the oppressive governor of a colony, before he could nationalize all business there and put a boot on their necks. It did cost more than a few lives, but it did keep the survivors free, at least for now.

Surprisingly, I’m back already, since the group wanted to play again (having never played an RPG before, they were…

Surprisingly, I’m back already, since the group wanted to play again (having never played an RPG before, they were…

Surprisingly, I’m back already, since the group wanted to play again (having never played an RPG before, they were quite excited to get back to it). So I bring you Episode 2 of The Dynasty Falco from the synopsis I wrote up for them yesterday and today:

Last time on The Dynasty Falco:

The crew races against the The Collective to steal sensor data that could help trace rogue AIs, rescuing a defecting android in the process…

Managing to make the jump within a four day sub-light journey of Chevron IV, the crew of the Dynasty Falco turn to their newest problem: tensions rising across the ship. Arriving back on the Falco, Clyde and Pickthorn get into an argument about Clyde’s disappearance in the middle of fights. Clyde insinuates that Pickthorn works for him, and Pickthorn implies that Clyde is privileged, still living off his family’s money even though he’s been on the run. Similarly, Xanthus gets ticked off at Cindy, who suggests that Xanthus treats Bernard, X’s droid, like a second-class person, stirring Xanthus to defend her friendship with Bernard. “He’s here of his own freewill!” she insists. Bernard beeps in agreement, but there seems to be more to their connection than either is willing to discuss with Cindy.

Gathering in Clyde’s quarters, the location of the ship’s bar, the group discusses Cindy’s fate. After some debate, they decide to offer her a choice: she can stay with the ship, if she’s willing to be upgraded with a military-grade augmentation Clyde has in his possession. She initially refuses, but seeing she has little choice in the face of Clyde and Xanthus’s joint position, she agrees, at least to allow Pickthorn to remove the Collective Link that still rings in her head with leadership commands to return.

Pickthorn agrees to perform the procedures, setting her up in his manufactory and putting her into a low-power hibernation. The Link removal goes perfectly, Pickthorn having preformed the procedure many times in his work with the rebel group, 141. He does discover though a few differences in her model, being much younger than himself. When he turns to insert the military reflexes augmentation, he discovers an unwelcome surprise: Cindy has a second link, wired differently into her than the first. Did she know? Do all newer models have this second link? This is an unfamiliar location, it shouldn’t be wired in this way and Pickthorn manages to remove it, but not without significant issues, requiring Cindy to remain in a coma for days to recover. Delivering her to the 141 with the information will now be impossible.

Arriving on the planet, Xanthus scans the surface with her survey system. Chevron IV is a tropical water world, dotted with archipelagos. Making contact with a former associate of hers, Striches, one of the amphibious humanoids native to the planet, he directs her to an uninhabited island in the northern hemisphere.

Her shuttle lands on the white-sand beach about 100 feet from a tiny outcropping of boulders. Striches waits there, next to a giant palm-like tree. Opposite along the beach, from another shuttle, four 141 androids appear. One, approaches the group, and begins the deal. Xanthus hands over the sensor data, receiving a case with another drive: crucial data on the Dynasty family.

Just then, shots ring out from the nearby jungle. Everyone dives for cover and Xanthus climbs up the tree to see what’s going on. Three WRAITH scout ships have landed in the distance, surrounding them. Two on either side of the beach shuttles, and one in the jungle. How they discover them is unclear, but they must be here to collect one or both of the drives.

The 141 leader tries to make his way back to his shuttle, but trips. Diving to his rescue, to prevent the sensor data from being lost or destroyed, Clyde drags him back to the safety of the outcropping, but not without catching a bullet through his shoulder. Three WRAITH soldiers emerge along the beach from their ship behind the group’s shuttle, laying down suppressing fire and preventing the group from reaching their ship.

Pickthorn tries to fire at them with his destructive laser rifle, but he’s out of his element and has terrible aim, striking the shuttle instead and damaging its wing. Flipping through the air off of the tree, Xanthus lands and rushes the group of WRAITH soldiers. Emerging over the sand dune they were hiding behind, she’s a flurry of arms and legs as they attempt to fire on her. She brings down one, two, and then a third with her stun baton. However, then the first solider staggers to his feet, several feet taller than her. He’ll need more than a shock to bring him down.

Clyde turns his attention to the soldiers firing from the jungle. Two squads of three fire from separate positions pinning them down. He throws a plasma grenade at them, but one of the soldiers manages to hit it with the butt of his rifle midair back at the group. Managing to hit his target for once, Pickthorn blasts it in midair creating a wall of smoke between them with the vaporized sand, a newly made layer of glass between them and small fires burning around.

Clyde uses this opportunity to rush the 141 shuttle, noticing that it is now being boarded by one of the squads of soldiers. Jumping into the fray at the ship, he grabs ahold of one of the soldiers, hitting the other two with the blades that emerge from his boots, and snapping his victim’s neck.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the beach, Xanthus takes down the large soldier in hand to hand combat, sweeping his legs and delivering a knockout blow to him while he is down. She runs for the ship, patching the wing’s damage as Pickthorn runs for the shuttle. He gets caught with two bullets in his legs from the squad emerging from around the wall of smoke. Xanthus to the rescue! She runs, grabs him to his feet, and they make their way back to the shuttle amid gunfire.

“We have to leave you!” Xanthus screams through their communicators. “Clyde, get Bernard and find a way back to the ship!” The shuttle lifts off, with one of the WRAITH ships chasing after it. “We need more speed!” Xanthus urges Pickthorn to find a way to help them outrun the WRAITH ship. Stripping out some wires under the console, Pickthorn overrides the ship’s safety limits, allowing them to outrun the WRAITH ship, losing it in the upper atmosphere, but not without severely depleting their fuel supplies. With barely enough inertia to make it inside the ship, the shuttle won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Inside the rebel shuttle back on the surface, Clyde convinces the rebel solider that he’s with the rebellion. Getting the lone android left to wait for Bernard and her leader to get back inside the shuttle. They take off just before they are about to be boarded again with the other two ships rising in pursuit.

Firing the shuttle’s heavy laser cannon at the ships, Clyde hits the wing of one, causing it to spiral into the other ship. They arrive back at the Dynasty Falco. Another two androids rescued. Both sets of data drives secured. The Falco’s scan resistant surface allows it to remain hidden, but for how long?

Next time on the Dynasty Falco: How will they get the rebels back with their ship before WRAITH finds them? How did WRAITH track them down in the first place? What information is on the drive the rebels were selling to the crew? What will happen when Cindy wakes up? Find out next time!

Hello, fellow UW-nauts!

Hello, fellow UW-nauts!

Hello, fellow UW-nauts! So, I’ve finally got a group together to play Uncharted Worlds! We’ve been playing Fragged Empire for about a year and are looking for a change of pace. I’m really excited! We spent last night creating our characters and the cluster of worlds in which we’ll be starting. We made 2 worlds each using a system from some Fate book which was pretty interesting. We ended up with 8 worlds, 1 at Tech class 3, 2 at tech class 2 and the most others at Class 1and a couple lower.

During character creation, I found one thing a bit strange, however. While I love the idea of workspaces, their implementation seems a bit limiting. For example, if I choose an Academic, with Chemistry and Surgery, I’ll be limited by my work space as to which one I can actually utilize.

Has anyone else found this to be a problem? How did you deal with it? Is there a way to expand a workstation? The GM proposed the option to expand a workstation once you had your 4th skill in that profession, but I’d like to hear if there are any other suggestions.

hey folks!

hey folks!

hey folks! I’m an academic, so I’m always doing some free writing before work to get into the swing of things, and writing up the synopsis for our last session proved to be a great way to start up work today. So here’s an intro to our characters, factions, and a synopsis of our first episode!


So what are our characters?

Xanthus Swift —The Adventurer: Human Galactic Personality Explorer — With her trusty droid Bernard by her side (think BB-8), and her squad of soldiers behind her, Xanthus explores the galaxy in search of something that has not yet been revealed to her crewmates. Despite Pickthorn’s presence, she is mistrustful of Collective androids and their supposed peace and helpfulness.

Youncy Grant — The Medic: Crystalline Regimented Military Academic — Youncy is a member of the Core, a medic assigned to this group to help them complete their mission. A member of the Crystalline species, a non-organic lifeform, they are naturally Resistant (immune to normal fire and freezing temps, but still use O2 and CO2 to fuel themselves, aka they still can’t exist without an atmosphere). He became a medic because he was fascinated by organics. Despite vowing to save lives, he’s willing to hoist his rocky frame into the frontline if it means protecting others from harm.

Pickthorn — The Inventor: Android Productive Industrial Technocrat — Pickthorn is an android freed from The Collective by the android rebel group the 141. A tinkerer and mechanical genius, Pickthorn is on the run from the Collective, hoping to get information to free more of his people. He can interface wirelessly with computer systems using his standard Collective Unit uniform, though it bares some scars from his perilous escape thus far.

Clyde Sandiego — The Assassin: Human Advanced Clandestine Scoundrel — A runaway son of the Dynasty mercenary family, Clyde stole the Dynasty Falco to escape (their ship). Although born on Earth (which must be advanced now, eh?), he’s been living out amongst the stars in this ship for quite a while, always one step ahead of the agents that have been sent to bring him back into the fold.

People wanted to be able to play aliens, so I rolled up a few rules for them. Androids get 1 mod from the cybermods in the Far Beyond Humanity preview. Aliens get a trait that lets them do something in the narrative they wouldn’t otherwise get to do. Humans to compensate, get 1 additional Class 1 asset. I let Xanthus make her droid as a crew.

The Factions:

The Collective — A species of sentient machines that age and have mimicked humans, they refer to themselves as Units to evoke their collectivist philosophy and machine past. Ruled by the oldest androids, they are a peaceful race and always providing help to the other species in the galaxy. Although individuals are separate and have emotions, the Collective seeks to return to what it sees as a purer machine past. Units are expected to act as emotionless and inhuman as possible by the ruling elite.

The 141 – This rebel group opposes the domination of androids by the Collective, encouraging free-thought, individuality, and emotion.

The Dynasty — An organized crime family that mostly trades on its ruthless assassins.

Erso Kingdom — An insular planet known for it’s overwhelming military might and defenses. Vaguely xenophobic, they don’t wish to conquer others, only to ensure that no one can ever take them down. Quick to lose trust, and hard to regain it, they will stop at nothing to prevent harm to their planet and culture.

The Core — Composed of members of every species in the galaxy, the Core is an elite military force and academy. Peacekeepers, they choose the ‘core’ or elite members of each species to monitor potential threats to all species.

WRAITH — World Research Alliance for Isolating Technological Harms — After the terraforming disaster on Beta Centauri 3, WRAITH believes that sufficiently advanced technology must be controlled by a organization working in the public interest, not private corporations. From scientists working on secure knowledge to politicians working on laws to prevent private use, WRAITH uses its public front to keep technology out of the wrong hands. Some say though that that’s not all they are doing to prevent work from falling into the wrong hands.

Last time on: The Dynasty Falco:

Pickthorn, Xanthus, and Clyde explore a derelict Dynasty ship floating in an asteroid field looking for sensor data that could help track all rogue android units in the galaxy. However, when Pickthorn restarts the ship’s computer, the automated defenses are triggered. Xanthus quickly hides with her droid Bernard while Clyde sneaks into the cargo hold to take out the defenses. Dispatching one of the hunter-killer droids with flung blades from his gauntlets, Clyde accidentally (or is it?) causes to smash against some precious cargo that appears out of place. To help her see inside the crate, Pickthorn restarts the ship’s life support and gravity, causing Xanthus to fall from the ceiling, hitting her head on a piece of cargo on the way down. Clyde is nowhere to be found [He unfortunately had to leave, but has stealth so he played it as part of his character].

Dazed, she convinced Bernard to go over. When he saw what was inside though, the little droid short circuited in fright. It was an Erso Kingdom fusion bomb with only 10 minutes to spare! It must have been triggered by the explosion of the HK droid!

Meanwhile, back on the Falco, Youncy convinces a Collective ship that appears from behind a nearby asteroid that they are on a medical mission buying his comrades precious time to find the sensor data. The Collective agrees to not interfere, but boards the ship looking for the data. Desperate to prevent himself from being discovered, Pickthorn, a rebel with the 141, shoots a hole through the side of the ship, and launches himself through space to Xanthus’s shuttle lying just outside the Kestral’s engineer section.

Replacing Pickthorn on the derelict ship, Youncy comes back to find three Collective androids with laser rifles trying to break into cargo hold. To keep up appearances of a rescue mission, Youncy cuts through the door and the three androids run inside to assist the injured. A medic attends to Xanthus, while another works on Bernard. A third attends to the bomb, communicating with his superiors. Youncy observes one droid talking to a newly awakened Bernard, offering to take him to their ship, and learns from the medic that they have been ordered to complete their mission at all costs, bomb or no bomb. Xanthus, having followed the third android down to the computer core to collect the sensor information, slices the android’s legs off in zero-g. Sensing trouble ahead, Youncy slices the tech android in half as Pickthorn patches into the medic’s link: “You can be free. Come with us.” Xanthus grabs the fragile floppy drive and they run for her shuttle.

As they lead Cindy Gutierrez (an inside joke, they named the android medic this) off to the shuttle, the Collective ship begins to fire on the Kestral. Pickthorn spins up the jump drive as the Collective ship begins to turn their laser cannons to the Falco and launches a missile at the shuttle. With some tight turns, Youncy manages to lose the missile in the asteroid field, but not without banging up the shuttle a bit. As they skid into the shuttle bay, Pickthorn yells, “HOLD ON! It’s going to be a WILD JUMP!”

A missile and laser shots fling through space, passing directly through the space where the Dynasty Falco was just moments before as it blips out of existence.

POP. The Falco emerges. Off in the distance, Chevron IV, the planet where they must drop off their information.

Next time, on The Dynasty Falco: Who do they need to get this information to? Who hired them to retrieve this information? Why did the Dynasty Kestral have it? Who did the Dynasty collect this information for? How did the Collective know to find the ship at this location, an astroid in the middle of unclaimed space? Why was the Kestral transporting a Erso fusion bomb? Where did Clyde disappear to and why did he disappear as soon as the bomb was activated? Did he get off the Dynasty Kestral before it was destroyed? What happened to the Collective ship? Did it get out in time before the Erso fusion bomb went off?

And most importantly, who is this Cindy Gutierrez? New rebel android, or Collective plant?

Thanks for reading! Hopefully we’ll get together soon and y’all can find out what happens next =)