Updated the Post Mortem of Uncharted Worlds with the first set of “What Went Wrong”, specifically about the game’s economy.
Updated the Post Mortem of Uncharted Worlds with the first set of “What Went Wrong”, specifically about the game’s…
Updated the Post Mortem of Uncharted Worlds with the first set of “What Went Wrong”, specifically about the game’s economy.
Wrote up Part 1 of an Uncharted Worlds post-mortem on the forums, if you’re interested in meandering designer…
Wrote up Part 1 of an Uncharted Worlds post-mortem on the forums, if you’re interested in meandering designer musings.
Also a reminder that the the http://www.uncharted-worlds.com/forum/ exists and you should totes sign up if you haven’t already.
Uncharted Worlds Forum now opened
Uncharted Worlds Forum now opened
Hello everyone.
Just a quick note to let you know that
is now operational. You can register old-fashioned way or using your G+ account (through Oneall (which will be obvious from the registration window), who manages the whole API, OAuth thingies).
This is my first phpBB board (and my first board in a long while), so if something doesn’t quite work, or if you can’t manage registration and posting, let me know here, as I will monitor this post.
I will make sure to save as much of the content of this community as possible. There are some options Sean should have access to that should allow for retention of the data. Once that is done, it will be added to the website.
Have fun, and see you there.
https://uncharted-worlds.com/forumMigration to a new platform
Migration to a new platform
Hello Uncharted Worlds players and aficionados.
Given that the deadline for the shutdown of G+ Communities is fast approaching, and not wanting to burden Sean with the details, I want to inform you that a forum will be opened on the official website.
I will make sure it has the following features, but I am for a simple solution, not something with tons of bells and whistles.
– Forum (threads, moderation)
– Google login support
If there is a bell or a whistle which would be useful to the community, reply to this and tell me and I will do my best to ensure that the needs (or even just the wants) of the community are served.
State of Uncharted Worlds
State of Uncharted Worlds
Hi folks. This post has been a long time coming. Doesn’t make it any easier, sadly. Long rambling ahead!
Firstly, I’d like to apologize for falling off the face of the Earth. That wasn’t cool. There are mitigating circumstances, which I’ll go into in a second, but it still was something that I feel quite bad about.
Basically, I kind of unofficially “shut down” on everything Uncharted Worlds, and gaming in general. Around November I started to get extremely burned out and exhausted. Work was going from bad to worse, sapping my energy and motivation and leaving a lethargic husk. Add that to my father’s ongoing and soul-crushing neuro-muscular degeneration, and a stressful holiday season, and I just checked out mentally and emotionally. It was either that, or burn everything UW-related to the ground in a fit of blinding rage/panic-attack.
Dark times. I’m not through those dark times yet, but I’m forcing myself to write this because you guys deserve answers.
In many ways, the Google+ shutdown was the nail in the coffin. It takes a lot out of me to be “public”, to be social with a community. It took a ton of work and stepping waaaaaaaaaaay outside my comfort zone just to create this community. It was something that I was proud of. But it took a lot of effort, and I had to force myself to log in regularly, to respond regularly, to make it a routine. And then it fell apart, and everyone left.
I’m sure I could reform that community elsewhere. But I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to try right now. I’m too fragile at the moment, too easily hurt. My shields are down. I’m out of mana. Etc.
As for writing. I wrote Uncharted Worlds because I wanted to share something, I wanted to entertain. And despite not knowing what I was getting myself into, I stumbled into a greater success than I dared hope. I wrote for the community. You folks were my inspiration, my drive.
So that’s where UW is at right now. I’m burned out, watching my father waste away, the community I built is all but gone, and I derive no more joy from gaming. It’s a tangled mess.
I’m working my way through it, from various angles, in the laughably little free time I have between a full-time job in the video game industry, and raising a 4 year old kid (who is as stubborn as his father, and his father’s father before him). More working out. Sun lamp to combat the cold, dark winter months of Quebec. More sleep. Seeing a psychologist.
The first step to eventually reviving UW will be to find a new home to connect with the community again. From there I’ll be able to talk future plans. But I have no idea where to begin or where to go, and I’m not in the right frame of mind to make a decision yet.
Sorry again, folks. And thank you. Thank you so much for all your kindness and awesomeness.
(TL:DR Emotionally broken, UW stuff on back-burner, need to rebuild community elsewhere, can’t do that yet because emotionally broken)
Currently prepping to run Uncharted Worlds at KapCon this weekend. I think I’ll try offering “The Ship Job”.
Currently prepping to run Uncharted Worlds at KapCon this weekend. I think I’ll try offering “The Ship Job”.
Trying my hand at making Jump Points as I am ‘rebooting’ my Uncharted Worlds campaign in a different system set…
Trying my hand at making Jump Points as I am ‘rebooting’ my Uncharted Worlds campaign in a different system set within the same setting. We’ll be focusing on more mission-based episodic play. Would love feedback and advice on both fronts. Could use a few more questions I think. A ‘complication’ question, perhaps.
Apprehend the Fugitive
Situation: The characters have been sent to apprehend a fugitive aboard a space port before they can board a ship and make it to the nearest Jump Point.
“You watch as the last of your weapons are processed and confiscated, and you are ushered past the uniformed customs officer into the space station proper. As soon as you’ve left the terminal you find yourself on the brink of an ocean of life of all shapes, sizes, smells, and origins. Somewhere, among the thousands of crowded bodies, is the individual you’ve been sent here to collect.”
*”Who is your assailant? What do they look like? What disguise were they in when you last saw them?”
*”How have you been tracking them so far? What faction are they fleeing to for safe haven?”
*”Why isn’t Space Station security in on this? Any idea why you were instructed to do this on the down low?”
Hello Uncharted Worlders.
Hello Uncharted Worlders.
I just moved the website from one server to another. uncharted-worlds.com might lead you to either the old site or the new one for the next 24 to 48 hours.
If you experience any issues after that, just tell me.
This would be a great setting to port over to UW…Hmmmm think I might have to do this..
This would be a great setting to port over to UW…Hmmmm think I might have to do this..
https://youtu.be/27A6w92xsIYWhere will this group migrate to when Google+ shuts down?
Where will this group migrate to when Google+ shuts down?