I’d like to see what others have to comment on “Upgrading Starships”.
Suppose, for example, you have a group invested in a Starship Campaign. They’ve got their Class 2 Starship, and their debts are with various factions. Their starting debt is assumed to be the seed capital that funded the starship, am I right ?
So what happens if the players wish to upgrade to a Class 3 ?
Ideas were discussed on how to do it via trading with Cargo.
We set a nominal value on what a Class 1 starship may be worth, eg, 3 Cargo Units (Class 4). We then ramped it up, so 6 Cargo Units (Class 4) for a Class 2 Starship, 9 for Class 3, 12 for Class 4. But it doesn’t feel right.
After all, if a Class 4 was an Aircraft Carrier IRL, could Joe Bloggs just buy one ? Probably not. You’d need major funds and clout to achieve it. Thus, if it breaks at Class 4, it’s not a solid foundation for 1-3 either.
We all know Mr Solo won The Falcon in a card game.
So perhaps they could find a game and play some cards..and voila ! Class 3 🙂 (Just don’t fail the roll, otherwise I suspect the Class 2 is going for payment, and the faction with about 12 debt is going to be very upset too !)
Extreme cases, I know. But hopefully, to illustrate a point and that is we have no tangible foundation to adopt a trade system (Yes, Barter and Acquisition are good for abstraction, as is much of the game), but in this instance, we’re dealing with cold hard numbers and the financial worth of things and how to acquire them by trading.
I guess what I’m saying is, how many trades do they need to do, to upgrade a ship ? Is it even possible ? Chances are, if not, they’ll just nick one anyway. (yes, I know that creates even more problems, but there’s drama and fun in that too ! And probably very short lived characters….)
Thank you.