One more thing just for fun, to add “flavor” to your sessions, consider this: Most spacers will be vegetarians not…
One more thing just for fun, to add “flavor” to your sessions, consider this: Most spacers will be vegetarians not by nature or ethics, but by pocketbook. Real meat is expensive, both in cost to raise and in retail cost.
“But sir! We’ll have vat grown meat!”
Yeah, about that. Growing meat in a dish is one thing, large scale commercial production is another. And unless they go the extra mile, what you get is a dry mushy compound that doesn’t taste of anything. No fat content, that’s different set of cells, and because it’s grown in a vat, the meat doesn’t align into muscles, providing definition and texture.
To get something that looks like a steak, they literally would have to sculpt the meat around fake bones, adding fat cells for marbling, and then exercise it with electrical shocks as it grows in a nutrient medium.
When you price it out, you’ll either pay a hundred credits for a 22 gram piece of sculpted vat meat, or that same hundred credits will get you kilos of vegetables and Phood.
“Phood?” you ask?
Yes, Phood™ from the Phood Corporation. They produce all sorts of ersatz meat products from their ever popular Beeph™ to their line of Pharm Fresh Feggs™. Phood Corp products look and taste like the real thing.
They are made from mycoprotein harvested from vast mats of fungus grown in sterile conditions, they can mimic the texture and flavor of what ever you desire.
Feel like Chikhen™? Or some Mheet™ balls with your pasta? They got it.
Dig in and enjoy!
(For a real world version, check out Quorn.)