Hello all

Hello all

Hello all,

I am looking for some assistance in a kick off event for a new campaign. It’s the 2nd chronicle. Chapter based. I have my main starting chapters created but falling short on the opening exciting event; which I just need to set tone and atmo

It’s a high school game . 4 players across two HS. Looking for an event that closes one HS and brings all kids into one. Want to avoid any high violence. More supernatural and “oh my god what was that?” tone. And something normal kids might shake off after a week and almost forget about.

I’ll take any ideas.

Thank you!

Game session review #2 – Moulin Rouge

Game session review #2 – Moulin Rouge

Game session review #2 – Moulin Rouge

Game was just as interesting, if not more so, without having our intro character chat and going right into story.  Rolling on a faction is much better this time around, as we have some minor plot and investment from the story session.    Discussion comes up if you can mark a faction for a player that is already marked in the intro move.  I imagine not, but if you have players that are jerks, well…

Everything flows smoothly during the course of play, Debts between PCs seem frivolous.  Unless they are working at cross purposes, I can only see them being used provide help when no one really wants to roll dice and take the chance.  When stats increase this will become another moot point.

Session ending move makes no sense.  Why would I lose a rating in a faction if I increased my rep with another?  If my game session only takes place for a few hours of an evening, is another faction actually going to take note that I didn’t play with them?  It’s kind of like an obsessive spouse you get in trouble with if you don’t call when you’re late.  

Need some time with other skins to play around with to figure them out.

Had a wonderful three session LongCon at #gencon2014  this year with that was co-MCed with Andrew Medeiros.

Had a wonderful three session LongCon at #gencon2014  this year with that was co-MCed with Andrew Medeiros.

Had a wonderful three session LongCon at #gencon2014  this year with that was co-MCed with Andrew Medeiros.

We ran 8 people (Vamp, Fae, Aware, Hunter, Wolf Jason Parachoniak, Oracle Jeff Dunnett, Spectre and Wizard) that started off as two factions with the initial intent of destroying each other before they became pacifist with the determination of not letting the two waring werewolf factions destroy the city. They combined into one large group with this goal, and was paid back by our Immortal NPC almost destroying all of them. The third session had the newly formed team dropping their newly pacifist ways with the determination of destroying the Immortal who was using everyone from the players to various factions of NPC;s to do his dirty work …. and they were done with it.


-Emotional Vampire who fed off of intense emotions killing a man during his climax.

– Hunter willing to sell his soul to kill the killer of his Mentor

– Wolf and Oracle pretending to be someone blind with their seeing eye dog to get into a house.

– Fae promising her body to obtain video footage from a news Cameraman

– And so many more ……

Thanks a bunch for a great series of games.

My review of the game after 3 sessions playing as Master.

My review of the game after 3 sessions playing as Master.

My review of the game after 3 sessions playing as Master.

(text in spanish)

Originally shared by Psitopía

Mis primeras impresiones de Urban Shadows.

Un juego Powered by the Apocalypse sobre criaturas sobrenaturales al estilo Mundo de Tinieblas, Dresden o Supernatural.

Urban Shadows is a game designed by Andrew Medeiros 

Andrew Medeiros, good question from the Vampire at the #gencon game.

Andrew Medeiros, good question from the Vampire at the #gencon game.

Andrew Medeiros, good question from the Vampire at the #gencon game. He took the corruption move that allows any other AT’s corruption move.  He wanted the Fae’s move that lets them take additional Fae Powers, but it says take the rest of the Fae Powers. Being that he hasn’t taken any, makes it confusing.

I personally think it should be rewarded for the Fae, take X amount more powers. Yes, that may be the rest of the powers, but it solves two issues. 1.) if you are making new powers as a hacker and this problem with the Vampire or any others than have such lingo.

I also wanted to point out, that a few people expressed confusion when having to choose X negatives? They couldn’t initially tell if they were choosing X number of moves to keep the MC from using or X number of moves that they would then isolate the MC too use.

Just returned from the Tierra de Nadie convention where i finally run 3 games of Urban Shadows :P

Just returned from the Tierra de Nadie convention where i finally run 3 games of Urban Shadows 😛

Just returned from the Tierra de Nadie convention where i finally run 3 games of Urban Shadows 😛

In fact only the last one was planned in advance, but some players were looking for activities and i offered them to test the game. It also helped me to run the “official” game, because till that moment i’ve only read the rules… not played before (i was confident on my previous AW experience).

My players love so much the game that playing only the first session seemed too poor for us, so we looked for a moment to continue a little more during the weekend 🙂 Hence the second game.

Those first 2 games were played with players i’m already familiar with. 2 close friends ( Roberto Alhambra Bayo Carmen Guevara  ) and my wife (Raquel Cano Navas ).

A very nice experience we hope to continue via hangouts or something like this.

Third game was entirely played with a group of players i’ve never met before ( Borja Aguirre and Piero Sagi among them ).

Have to admit the session started a bit cold. Not all of them have played AW before, and ideas didnt flow easily because we were complete strangers.

Anyway, i try my best to guide them during the character creation and when they finally started to suggest and take command of the relations the story flooded as easily as expected.

In fact, the characters and relations they were creating were so much interested that i was the first to be surprised with the intensity of the game. We play from 10:30 to 14:30 non stop, when games are expected to end by 13pm we stick to the table and keep on playing trying to know how the plots continue.

Paris was a very nice choice, and we plagued it with spiritual shapechangers, supernatural drug dealers, demonic vampires and evil faeries XD

I’m so fascinated with the game that i’m trying to convince some spanish publisher to translate it.

Just as a side note. Some of the players even asked me for the game because they wanted to buy it right there!!

On the bad side i could say that players seemed overwhelmed with the number of interconnected plots they created, and the rumours from the session start roll, they dont even knew what to do.

Not something to worry about in fact, but something to care about in future demo sessions.