Just returned from the Tierra de Nadie convention where i finally run 3 games of Urban Shadows 😛
Just returned from the Tierra de Nadie convention where i finally run 3 games of Urban Shadows 😛
In fact only the last one was planned in advance, but some players were looking for activities and i offered them to test the game. It also helped me to run the “official” game, because till that moment i’ve only read the rules… not played before (i was confident on my previous AW experience).
My players love so much the game that playing only the first session seemed too poor for us, so we looked for a moment to continue a little more during the weekend 🙂 Hence the second game.
Those first 2 games were played with players i’m already familiar with. 2 close friends ( Roberto Alhambra Bayo Carmen Guevara ) and my wife (Raquel Cano Navas ).
A very nice experience we hope to continue via hangouts or something like this.
Third game was entirely played with a group of players i’ve never met before ( Borja Aguirre and Piero Sagi among them ).
Have to admit the session started a bit cold. Not all of them have played AW before, and ideas didnt flow easily because we were complete strangers.
Anyway, i try my best to guide them during the character creation and when they finally started to suggest and take command of the relations the story flooded as easily as expected.
In fact, the characters and relations they were creating were so much interested that i was the first to be surprised with the intensity of the game. We play from 10:30 to 14:30 non stop, when games are expected to end by 13pm we stick to the table and keep on playing trying to know how the plots continue.
Paris was a very nice choice, and we plagued it with spiritual shapechangers, supernatural drug dealers, demonic vampires and evil faeries XD
I’m so fascinated with the game that i’m trying to convince some spanish publisher to translate it.
Just as a side note. Some of the players even asked me for the game because they wanted to buy it right there!!
On the bad side i could say that players seemed overwhelmed with the number of interconnected plots they created, and the rumours from the session start roll, they dont even knew what to do.
Not something to worry about in fact, but something to care about in future demo sessions.