I’m thinking of trying to organise a mini-campaign of “Sword, Crown and Unspeakable Power” in London.

I’m thinking of trying to organise a mini-campaign of “Sword, Crown and Unspeakable Power” in London.

I’m thinking of trying to organise a mini-campaign of “Sword, Crown and Unspeakable Power” in London. Is this the best place to look for other players or is there another community somewhere?

SCUP question: if Marnie does whole book (stretch goal) what about all that art on the kickstarter page and video?

SCUP question: if Marnie does whole book (stretch goal) what about all that art on the kickstarter page and video?

SCUP question: if Marnie does whole book (stretch goal) what about all that art on the kickstarter page and video? I really like those portraits. I’d like both.

Todd Nicholas Megan Pedersen Looks like the spammers have found Wheel Tree :-(

Todd Nicholas Megan Pedersen Looks like the spammers have found Wheel Tree 🙁

Todd Nicholas Megan Pedersen Looks like the spammers have found Wheel Tree 🙁

Or, you guys have a new year’s resolution to get powerful hams and quads…




We have a nice, shiny new version of THE SWORD, THE CROWN, and THE UNSPEAKABLE POWER and I WANT TO PLAY IT AT GENCON!

If you are going to Gencon, I’d love to run it for you. Please feel free to post here or send me a HO message if you’re uncomfortable with that and let me know if you’d be interested. I’d love to put together a group of 3-4 to play a session if we can arrange a time.

My group’s gonna start a six-ish session campaign of SCUP this week.

My group’s gonna start a six-ish session campaign of SCUP this week.

My group’s gonna start a six-ish session campaign of SCUP this week. We’ve all played a fair bit of PbtA-games, though no SCUP. So I’m wondering if there’s any general or particular stuff to look out for. Dos and don’ts or such.

Also. We have the open beta version from last spring. Are there any significant changes or tweaks that we should be aware of or would be better off incorporating?

Gah! Why couldn’t this have arrived before Friday’s games night? Oh well, there’s always next time…

Gah! Why couldn’t this have arrived before Friday’s games night? Oh well, there’s always next time…

Gah! Why couldn’t this have arrived before Friday’s games night? Oh well, there’s always next time…