This is something I wanted to write up last week but didn’t get the chance:

This is something I wanted to write up last week but didn’t get the chance:

This is something I wanted to write up last week but didn’t get the chance:

As we see the WWE, and the Wrestling World in general, shift slightly more into the realm of reality (or at least continue to blur the lines…ignoring Broken Matt Hardy for a moment) I wanted to compare and contrast how both TNA and Lucha Underground, within the same week, went about adding new elements to their shows to accomplish this.

First, TNA. By adding the Impact Grand Championship, the company is attempting to give the fans a division that leans more toward MMA/Boxing/Fight Sports.

Here are the rules for this division:

– Three 3 minute rounds

– 10 point must system

– 3 judges

– Judging categories: Physicality, aggressiveness, controlling the action

Wins can happen anytime via pin or submission.

– If there is no winner after three rounds, a winner decided by judge’s decision


Options for story telling. With the matches we’ve seen so far, we’ve already witnessed the ability to make someone look incredibly strong via points, and then have someone come out of nowhere with a pin, effectively emphasizing that the winner “escaped” with a W, as well as having a certain wrestler in an incredibly advantageous spot, like having their finisher applied, only to have to break the hold due to the round ending, adding more ambiguity to a feud you perhaps want to prolong.

That’s really all I have, and I really had to reach for that….you can still accomplish this objective within a regular wrestling match

Cons –

Convoluted. The announcers having to explain the rules to the audience each match multiple times is telling here. The benefits don’t seem to outweigh the costs. It muddles what is supposed to be a big point of emphasis for TNA, exciting and non-stop action.

Now on the other hand, we have LU, and Dario’s Dial of Doom.

A wheel is brought out in front of the crowd, with names of wrestlers on it. You spin the wheel and whoever’s name it lands on gets a title shot right then and there.

Amazingly simple, excitingly unpredictable, and it adds a beautiful slice of realism without unnecessary explanation.

For me, it also feels like it fits in with the Lucha Underground vibe and theme. Dario’s demented demeanor is on full showcase here, and plays to his character – hiding what really comes down to feeding underdog fodder to his Champion, his brother Matanza, under the guise of “opportunity”.

From the outside, it just seems to me like these things are actual reflections of the state of these two companies.

TNA is struggling to differentiate itself, and throwing things at the wall to see of it sticks, being different for difference sake. Meanwhile, LU knows who exactly who they are and have a clear direction and style, and seem to have a handle on being able to be different with a purpose.

The Cruiserweight Classic: A Post-Mortem

The Cruiserweight Classic: A Post-Mortem

The Cruiserweight Classic: A Post-Mortem

The CWC is over, and what a wonderful thing that was. Ten weeks of amazing matches, and a very interesting change of pace from the WWE’s usual product. For example, the balance of the material was far tilted towards focusing on in-ring action rather than DudeBro Soap Opera, although there was just enough of the latter to keep things dramatic and interesting.

I was very pleasantly surprised by the outcome – I had assumed that the finals were going to be Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Kota Ibushi, but both of them getting eliminated in the semi-finals was an unexpected twist.

So our first Cruiserweight champion is T.J. Perkins, which I think is a very strong choice. Perkins has great in-ring work, charisma, and a compelling underdog backstory. I can’t wait to see him defend his belt as the “cocky but vulnerable but skilled” face champ.

According to “Wrestling With Wregret” (a wrestling news/review Youtube show), the following ten folks from the tournament have been signed on to WWE as the backbone of the new Cruiserweight division on Monday Night Raw:

T.J. Perkins

Cedric Alexander

Brian Kendrick

Tommaso Ciampa

Noam Dar

Jack Gallagher

Johnny Gargano

Gran Metalik

Rich Swann

Akira Tozawa

This is a phenomenal roster, and I can’t wait to see what they do with it. Cedric Alexander really wowed everyone with his in-ring work, Brian Kendrick showed great personality and in-ring storytelling, Ciampa and Gargano have been TEARING IT UP ever since their star-making match together (dear god, that standing elbow to Gargano’s face), Metalik is poised to inherit the mantle left vacant by Rey Mysterio that Kallisto and Sin Cara never quite lived up to, Dar’s a young star in the making with potential bursting from every vein, Swann’s in-ring work was solid and entertaining with lots of personality…

And then you’ve got my two favorites, aside from the awesome TJ Perkins. “Gentleman” Jack Gallagher and Akira Tozawa. Oh my god, where to even begin with these two? Tozawa has this amazing intensity and in-ring swagger, not to mention speed and technique, and Jack is just FLAT OUT AWESOME. You will never mistake Gallagher for anyone else, not just in look, but in his distinctive in-ring technical style. Personally, I liked his matches in the CWC far more than Zack Sabre Jr., even though ZSJ was the one heralded as the “technical wizard”. Jack’s mat work was stylish, clever, intricate, and best of all, it looked like it HURT. It’s just as well that ZSJ isn’t sticking around, because having two British tech-wrestlers might’ve been too much of a gimmick overlap, and I like Jack much, much more (although ZSJ is awesome, let’s not gloss over his skill). Also, I love Jack’s persona and mike skills, he could be a massive fan favorite on Raw if he’s given a chance to really talk and develop that character. Also-also, I really want to see Jack and Tozawa not only have some rematches, but maybe even team up at some point in a fun “odd couple” pairing.

Now if only I got the USA network on my super-nofrills-basic-cable package – hopefully the cruiserweight matches will be available online in other forms so that I can watch them after the fact. 

Man, Smackdown last night had some ups and downs for me.

Man, Smackdown last night had some ups and downs for me.

Man, Smackdown last night had some ups and downs for me.

High: Alexa Bliss, Ambrose promo, Cena’ s promo after Ambrose came out, Miz taking the main event spot, Miz walking away from Ziggler and Bryan

Low: Main Event Finish. Cena’s promo before Ambrose came out.

Seriously, Miz is super hot right now, why force him to lose clean via Cena.

Have Ambrose turn on Cena in the match and give the heels the win, or have Ziggler come out to distract Miz to give one of the faces the win.

Lowkey Kickstarter fulfillment update:

Lowkey Kickstarter fulfillment update:

Lowkey Kickstarter fulfillment update:

– some stuff went out last week. Of the rest:

everything is packed and/or sorted by individual reward and ready to be packed

– I’m waiting on a box of flat-rate padded envelopes to complete the “ready-to-be-packed” items (mostly higher-level rewards), should be here soon

– I’m printing postage for the things that are packed (mostly the basic book rewards) starting today

And then there will be many trips to the post office.

Hi folks

Hi folks

Hi folks,

I’ve written up the second session of our strange little WWW game, if anyone’s interested. It involved more mad science and kitchen utensils than is common in wrestling, but whatever.

Our next session is this week, and I’m thinking of putting either a Regal Wrangle or King of the Hill match in there. Any feedback or suggestions from folks who’ve run those kind of scenes?

Now, I know I should know the answer to this…but I’m putting it out there.

Now, I know I should know the answer to this…but I’m putting it out there.

Now, I know I should know the answer to this…but I’m putting it out there.

The Jobber’s “Do the Job” move.  The last sentence: “*If your opponent is another player’s wrestler, roll for this when they make their Finishing Move.*”

So does that mean the Jobber is in total control of whether or not the other player gains audience (outside of heat.) Cause I have seen some cases where Creative may have had both moves trigger.   Which could explain some speedy advancement gaining.

So, I don’t know how much this idea has by way of practicality (Me being in the UK and working odd hours)

So, I don’t know how much this idea has by way of practicality (Me being in the UK and working odd hours)

So, I don’t know how much this idea has by way of practicality (Me being in the UK and working odd hours)

But is there any interest in a Play by Post game?

My idea would be to sort out individual matches in threads and then to post a write up of each match/ promo and potentially post them to this group if there was interest.