I stole Justin Hunt ‘s idea for a subtitle. I dunno, I’m having trouble coming up with something better.

I stole Justin Hunt ‘s idea for a subtitle. I dunno, I’m having trouble coming up with something better.

I stole Justin Hunt ‘s idea for a subtitle. I dunno, I’m having trouble coming up with something better.

I should just start crediting you as a co-author, huh Justin.

While this isn’t a direct wwwrpg subject, I can see some possibilities for creating a move or set of moves to take…

While this isn’t a direct wwwrpg subject, I can see some possibilities for creating a move or set of moves to take…

While this isn’t a direct wwwrpg subject, I can see some possibilities for creating a move or set of moves to take over another promotion. However, for all the wrestling fans out there, what is going on with TNA. Is it going the way of WCW? Just found out that last night James Storm has jumped ship to WWE’s NXT division, following Samoa Joe, Sting and the Dudley Boys as recent WWE hires.

I know I have not kept up a well as I should have, since TNAs switch of channels and their constant switching of formats and use of old WWE talent. They’ve gotten away from their roots as Total Nonstop Action and adopted the WWE way of scripted drama with some fighting. While they still put out more wrestling action in two hours than WWE, it’s not by much. The whole EC3 storyline made me swear off the show a while back.

So, should we expect TNA to fall like WCW, or will they finally find their footing and actually get away from the clone business without losing all their talent?




Towards the 8-minute mark, HHH seems to be in poor shape. As the match continues, he’s unable to get back in the ring, eventually needing to go sit down and speak to an official, followed by stumbling and staggering when he tries to get up.

Does anyone know what happened, here?


World Wide Wrestling campaign theme idea prompted by discussion at work: Silicon Valley giants as a wrestling league.

World Wide Wrestling campaign theme idea prompted by discussion at work: Silicon Valley giants as a wrestling league.

World Wide Wrestling campaign theme idea prompted by discussion at work: Silicon Valley giants as a wrestling league.

YEAH! Apple’s just the Tesla Graveyard, BROTHERRRR!” — Elon Reeve “The Reever” Musk, re: allegations that Apple has taken in ex-members of the Tesla stable

“Can you smell what the Tim is COOKING?!” — “The Tim” Cook

There are enough face/heel divisions being drawn in tech companies, enough rivalries and enough smack talk, that it really is becoming this spectacle. All we need is wacky origin stories and catch phrases.

So what tools, if any, does Creative to emphasize the strength and skill of NPWs, besides narration when Creative…

So what tools, if any, does Creative to emphasize the strength and skill of NPWs, besides narration when Creative…

So what tools, if any, does Creative to emphasize the strength and skill of NPWs, besides narration when Creative has it? I’m still kinda new to * Worlds and I know I’m supposed to trust the players to carry their side of the conversation but…I don’t know. It feels weird, not having a veto. Or at least an explicit one, unless I missed it.

Related question, how do you guys generally play up the differences between the skills of your NPWs? How do you narrate your main eventers vs your curtain jerkers? I’m curious!

A weird thing: so, someone sent me a message about getting the WWWRPG supplement link, but they’re not in my circles…

A weird thing: so, someone sent me a message about getting the WWWRPG supplement link, but they’re not in my circles…

A weird thing: so, someone sent me a message about getting the WWWRPG supplement link, but they’re not in my circles and for some reason I only got the notification on my phone, and now due to some G+ quirk I can’t find it!

So, I guess if that was YOU (I remember they said they play in a Saturday game?), ping me again, or just send me an email to n.d.paoletta at gmail and I’ll get you the link.

Also, a version will be going public next month, so it’ll be available for general view sooner rather than later. 

I’m going to be going over the (really helpful) feedback I’ve already received, making some changes and putting out a Beta PDF (similar to the original WWWRPG Beta) for people to use in their games over the next couple of months. Is the plan, at any rate.

Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a…

Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a…

Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a corrupt ref program.

She clearly has the Special Snowflake move, and keeps rolling 10+ on it.