WorldsInPerilbeta 1.6-FINAL.pdf
Edit: The final draft is now up in the latest draft section, so if you’re looking for that, this is not the right post. Turns out this final draft was not so final!
Hey everyone, this is the one final draft to rule them all, it incorporates the last bunch of edits from Jonathan. (Everything after Drives). Jonathan is still going to be going through with us and taking another look at all the moves in particular, but also a couple of other things!
This will be the absolute final draft that we’ll be putting up though, any feedback after this will go into the final text before it goes to layout. We’re going to be going through and doing some editing, passing it out to a few friends for more fresh eyes on it. If you’d like to help us out with that, we’d be most grateful. Here is the typo document to go about doing that, and I’m always open to other feedback as well: