I feel like I have an understanding of two things in the rules (especially after reading some of the posts here),…
I feel like I have an understanding of two things in the rules (especially after reading some of the posts here), but I have enough uncertainty I will ask…
The first is simple. Beginning characters start with none of the moves from their Drive book, they must unlock them and get Achievements in the process, right?
The second is more conceptual. As I am reading the materials surrounding Difficult and Borderline power descriptions seem to me to represent situations where players are “looking to the GM to find out what happens”, and therefore an opportunity for the GM to make a Move. Using a Difficult or Borderline power is the equivalent of asking the GM “how difficult is this, really?” or “how close to the borderline am I, really?” The main GM Move I am thinking of would be “Tell the requirements or consequences and ask”, but any Move, or no Move at all, is reasonable depending on the circumstances. Does that sound right? Or am I missing something important?