Worlds in Peril / Hero System Question:

Worlds in Peril / Hero System Question:

Worlds in Peril / Hero System Question:

I am not the most familiar with Worlds in Peril yet, but I’ve been playing Dungeon World for awhile now and am fairly familiar with it. I have only had the chance to skim over Worlds in Peril’s rules a couple times. From what I have seen, the Power Creation part of Worlds in Peril is very abstract.

I have also been looking at the Hero System recently. I really love the character creation from that system. It has enough freedom to suit my needs and I really like how multiple characters turn out to work together when all are built with the same number of points. The problem though is that I do not very much like the Hero System after character creation is complete. The numbers quickly get in the way during play after the specifics of the powers are discovered.

This is where Worlds in Peril comes in. Dungeon World is currently my favorite RP game and the World System in general makes play quick and fun. I was wondering if there would be some way that I could take a  character created with the Hero System, so that all the characters are more in line with each other and to avoid the abstractness of Worlds in Peril, but then take that character and use it within the streamlined rules of World in Peril without loosing the detailedness of the Hero System Character’s Power. Is it possible to get some balance between the two systems? Character creation from one but gameplay from the other?

So I’m a little confused about the nature of PC to PC Bonds.

So I’m a little confused about the nature of PC to PC Bonds.

So I’m a little confused about the nature of PC to PC Bonds. For NPCs, a Bond seems designed to reflect their feelings about your character rather than the other way around, which makes sense.

But what about your team Bonds, is it the same thing or is it reversed? As it seems odd that you can exercise control over how another PC feels about you, but only they can exercise control over how you feel about them, at least from a mechanical standpoint.

Or are the Bond values always supposed to be the same on both sheets anyway and I’ve just missed something?

Would anyone be interested in a limited-run Hangouts game, say on Wednesday evenings?

Would anyone be interested in a limited-run Hangouts game, say on Wednesday evenings?

Would anyone be interested in a limited-run Hangouts game, say on Wednesday evenings? Call it a familiarization game, and a chance for me to brush up on my GM’ing skills in general.

I’m thinking a single, fairly short arc, wrapping up in maybe four sessions or so (give or take character creation, if that takes a session on its own). Sessions about 3-4 hours each. More focus on action than drama.

…Okay basically, let’s shoot for a Nextwave vibe. Anyone interested?

Hi I just recently discovered the awesomeness that is Worlds In Peril.

Hi I just recently discovered the awesomeness that is Worlds In Peril.

Hi I just recently discovered the awesomeness that is Worlds In Peril. Couple of questions though: is the book/ pdf available for purchase now? Also, is there an example of the character sheets anywhere? Thankyou!

Here’s a sneak peek at the comic that is just getting the finishing touches put on it, keep your eyes peeled for a…

Here’s a sneak peek at the comic that is just getting the finishing touches put on it, keep your eyes peeled for a…

Here’s a sneak peek at the comic that is just getting the finishing touches put on it, keep your eyes peeled for a kickstarter update this week with the 12 page intro comic in it! #WorldsinPeril  



Hi. How are social interactions handled? If one PC wants to convince another, or an NPC? The grizzled police detective doesn’t take me seriously. How do I get him to understand the threat a villain poses?

Combat seems a bit much. Defy danger, too vague. How do the EiCs here do it?

I’m coming have played a lot of apocalypse-powered games, most of which have a Persuade or Manipulate move.

Going to try out this one in a few weeks. Looking for 2-3 more players.

Going to try out this one in a few weeks. Looking for 2-3 more players.

Going to try out this one in a few weeks. Looking for 2-3 more players.

Originally shared by Seth Harris

Finally! A great supers hack using the *World Engine. Join us for a four part, four color adventure. Garishly clad men and women. Mad men and diabolical geniuses. Threats from beyond our skies and terrors that dwell beneath our feet. A world of unparalleled wonder and bone-chilling villainy.


Hi guys. I need some guidance regarding drive books.

Hi guys. I need some guidance regarding drive books.

Hi guys. I need some guidance regarding drive books.

1) The characters pick a starting drive book, that’s a given. Do they need to unlock that book or is that something that it cool to have it unlocked by the backstory? And

2) how do you pick new drive books? I don’t recall reading how that is determined and I can’t seem to find anything that says explicitly how you change drives.