Hello again, mates

Hello again, mates

Hello again, mates,

I have two questions about character advancement, specifically points 3 and 5.

Point 3 states that you can add new power tricks or effects to your power profile. But, is there any possibility of relocating some of those you already own? I mean, for example, my hero has ‘flight at a fighter speed’ as borderline in his power profile. I want to progress this power and make it difficult or simple, so he can use it more easily. How can I do this?

And, concerning to point 5, maybe it is a translation issue (I’ve got WiP in Spanish), but I don’t understand this point at all. Or I do understand the meaning but not the utility of that advancement.


Hello everyone

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,

tonight I’ll run my first session of WiP. I’ll be the EIC and I have a few questions.

1) I am not sure how “Ease of Fitting In” is determined. Basically I am not sure how the table at p. 89 is supposed to be used. I can think of two possible scenarios:

– once the player has decided the powers of his/her character, we determine how difficult it is for the character to fit in (keeping in mind that the more powerful the character is, the harder it is for them to fit in); the decision is taken asking questions, following common sense, and taking into account limitations and drawbacks. Once we have determined the level of ease of fitting in (Occasionally difficult, frequently difficult, etc), the player gets a certain number of extra bond points and extra powers.

– the player chooses how many extra bond points (or powers) he/she wants for the character, and the ease of fitting in is determined accordingly.

I’m inclined to follow the first interpretation since it makes the most sense to me, but the book isn’t super clear.

2) I can’t find how to distribute the condition threshold for NPCs between minor, moderate and critical conditions. For example, let’s say my Mastermind has a condition threshold of 3 x [number of heroes]; with four heroes that would be 12. Do I simply “subtract” conditions (1 x minor, 2 x moderate, 3 x critical) from the condition threshold as soon as they are imposed? (e.g. if a hero inflicts a critical condition, the threshold becomes 12-3 = 9)


Hello everyone

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,

Just trying to get my head around the system and being used to more crunchier games, I must say that its not obvious. Still, I like what I read and I sure want to explore the game a little more…and even run it.

This said, is there an game play example that uses known characters (Avengers, X-Men, etc) that I could use as a reference?


Hello guys!

Hello guys!

Hello guys!

I have a doubt about a right move to use … let me explain:

Lux is a heroine who has the power to manipulate the light, in particular in her power profile marked as “difficult” she chooses the abilty to create a laser beam.

During the game session, Lux finds herself trapped with two boys during a fire on the second floor of a building. No way to get to the exit of the room, so she decides to use her laser beam to create a way out on the floor, for her and the boys. She wants to save them, of course. the flames grow fast … What is the right move that is activated? Personally I think it’s a danger Defy roll on Protect stat … is a correct interpretation of fiction? I know, Defy danger is a move to direct threats to the character, but in this case can be considered “extended” in order to also protect the two boys, rolling on Protect?

I hope I was clear.

Daniele Di Rubbo Luigi Briganti Luca Maiorani I think you may be interested 😉

Just curious: is there a MOBI version of the final version of the rules?

Just curious: is there a MOBI version of the final version of the rules?

Just curious: is there a MOBI version of the final version of the rules? I see there is an ePub, but Calibre is choking trying to convert it to MOBI or AZW so I can read it on my Kindle. It locks up at 47% processed and the hangs forever.

I know there is the CC version, but the formatting of that is unreadable.

I’m not certain whether I understand Burnout move correctly.

I’m not certain whether I understand Burnout move correctly.

I’m not certain whether I understand Burnout move correctly.

Let’s say Arrowhead(Sample character in the book) lost his bow and arrow. He wants to knock down a shooter on the roof for saving his friend, but only he has a pencil now.

Let’s look at his power :

POWERS SUMMARY: Olympic-level athletics, pinpoint accuracy.

Powers that are Advantages: quiver of trick arrows – something for everything.

Simple: bypass simple security or electronics.

Difficult: take out far away targets.

Borderline: take out a whole room (hit multiple targets at once) with a trick arrow.

Possible: use anything as a deadly projectile.

Impossible: hit someone from more than two blocks away.

He can’t use his power normally because he doesn’t have his bow, but he has “use anything as a deadly projectile” in Possible category.

So, If Arrowhead shoot a pencil at the shooter, does he trigger Burnout move? And if Arrowhead rolled 10+ or 7-9, does he add “Using pencil as an arrow” in his power profile? (Probably Easy or Difficult).

And if Arrowhead do same thing not for saving person, but for other reason, does he still trigger Burnout move?

New to this game, just read the rules and I love it.

New to this game, just read the rules and I love it.

New to this game, just read the rules and I love it. I think. I’m not sure I understand the powers. If I have something like ‘martial arts master’ at easy, then I could take out a couple of muggers without rolling, right? You only roll if there would be an actual threat in the narrative.

Unrelated (sorta), Just watched Jessica Jones and wondered if a good Killgrave character would be possible, or if it would make a fun character, or it would just be too over powered. The Villain, would have to know about the Mind Control hero to make an interesting story.