So my play test went really well.

So my play test went really well.

So my play test went really well. People liked, although everyone agrees, that Urban Shadows is not a one session campaign. It needs at least two sessions, if not a full campaign, cause everyone was really enjoying the politics. 

One thing about the #playtest report, I said I would do two for city champions in the survey. Do I post it here, or is there an email address I am required to send it to? Can I post it here and send it to the email address? 

I’m writing up the playtest report now. 

Hi there guys.

Hi there guys.

Hi there guys. I’m using the 2.0 version of the Archtypes for a game I’m runhning tomorrow. However, I noticed something. There’s no area marked for experience advances. There’s only a bar for corruption advances on the front. Is it on the sheet but hidden somewhere? Am I supposed to draw it on, or write it in Notes?

Exp is still a part of the game as far as I can tell. Or is it supposed to be a faster game, where each time you use a highlighted stat/faction you literally advance rather than gain xp, gaining new moves all the time?

Also, is the only way to advance in the game through factions, rather than stats? So you only advance, after engaging with each of the four factions? So if someone is obsessed with one faction, say a hunter going after vampires (night faction), he won’t advance unless he also uses contacts in Power and Spirit as well? Although I guess he could advance through corruption.

Would anyone mind helping me out? This would be a lot easier if the MC sheet was more detailed, rather than focus on names and weapon types. I only really have experience with Monsterhearts, so that’s my baseline.