Considering making a hack for Destiny, the wildly popular (and even more wildly aggravating) MMO shooter from Bungie.

Considering making a hack for Destiny, the wildly popular (and even more wildly aggravating) MMO shooter from Bungie.

Considering making a hack for Destiny, the wildly popular (and even more wildly aggravating) MMO shooter from Bungie. Three main classes, each with three subclasses, would make for nine distinct playbooks, plus 3 races with maybe different per-class bonuses.

Then you have all the special moves. Supers tracked by number of kills maybe? 2 kills gives you a grenade, five kills gives you your super? Stats from the game: Recovery, Armor, Agility, Strength, Discipline, Intellect. Perhaps there are no stat advances, but instead modifiers are tied to gear?

Not sure how to handle death and ghosts and whatnot. Wouldn’t consider moving forward until I got a solid grasp on that. People do die, for sure, including Guardians — but “respawning” is a thing, too… Perhaps death leaves the ghost unprotected, and unless the guardian can be revived quickly on the field they’ll be reborn, thanks to their ghost, in a new or altered form, or with some other change?

The game is kind of an empty place, but there’s so much lore there that it’s actually a really robust world. What say ye?

#destiny   #destinyhack   #pbta