So. just MC’ed my first session and I have some questions:

So. just MC’ed my first session and I have some questions:

So. just MC’ed my first session and I have some questions:

– My players where using help all the time, sometimes after the main char had rolled (usually badly). How exactly should I deal with the Help move?

– Sometimes the moves have weird effects. My Pusher tried to use Vision thing on a quick talk, and I ruled that you need more than a few phrases to gain some weight on it.

– How exactly the reporter works? Does he have to declare an specific story he’s researching?

Also, Pusher/Tech/Reporter group totally threw my planned mission off since they are not really the combat based group I thought they would be. Tips and example missions would be great.


So, just finishing to read the main book and planning a Monday game, I have some questions:

So, just finishing to read the main book and planning a Monday game, I have some questions:

So, just finishing to read the main book and planning a Monday game, I have some questions:

– Has anyone written something in the way of races? I am thinking less fantasy more androids/transumans/clones (I am coming from Interface Zero)

– I noticed that there are no drawbacks of using cyber implants. I was thinking something like NAS (from Johnny Mnemonic) or loss of Essence

– Is there a good recorded session in audio or video so I can see how the game is ran? First time running a PBTA game, could use some examples.

Thanks, and troll the respawn Jerry.