Time for a bibliography thread!

Time for a bibliography thread!

Time for a bibliography thread! Post titles (links even better!) to books you have read that seem perfect for Apocalypse World and why.

Two of mine are:

When there is no doctor

For the obvious reason of thinking about medical care in the post-apocalypse.


Miss Peregrin’s Home for Peculiar Children

For the psychic maelstrom, a Hardholder with a high weird, and several other cool things that would work in an AW game.


I ran a pick-up game for seven teenagers on Friday that made me want to work on Under Hollow Hills.

I ran a pick-up game for seven teenagers on Friday that made me want to work on Under Hollow Hills.

I ran a pick-up game for seven teenagers on Friday that made me want to work on Under Hollow Hills. I used bits of AW, PsiRun, and Otherkind. It kind of upended some of the stuff I had previously been doing. Highlights: interesting dynamic characters made wicked fast, very sand boxy, creepy/action, everyone gets to do something cool. Downsides: didn’t hit all the good stuff on the character sheets in a one shot, the group was huge, needs better set-up.

Best thing: the names of the PCs.

Iron Beard

Misha Rosenberg



Giles Gilder

Fritz Wootpopski

Personwheel Forkcage

Everyone was enthusiastic to play again. I may have to take this somewhere. So many things to think about!

Vincent Baker just announced our new game, Apocalypse World: Dark Age.

Vincent Baker just announced our new game, Apocalypse World: Dark Age.

Vincent Baker just announced our new game, Apocalypse World: Dark Age. It’s in 1st Look phase, with playtesting and etc to come before the full stand-alone game is ready for release. Head to his blog to read more!



Working on #AWDA is a bit like opening the floodgates.

Working on #AWDA is a bit like opening the floodgates.

Working on #AWDA is a bit like opening the floodgates. I’m setting myself up for editing like mad. Luckily, Vincent Baker is pretty good about saying “this bit needs to be more, and let’s trim this bit out.” I did get to keep the bit about the iron pots and the tin pots. At least so far. We’ll see how it ends up.

Something Terrible is Coming

Something Terrible is Coming

Something Terrible is Coming

Vincent has been writing pretty much non-stop since a week ago. There are stacks of paper everywhere. I’ve made characters in four of the playbooks, and holy cats do I want to play this. Two bits I’m way excited about: the damage system that has as part of it the phrase “I will yet survive this” (iknowright??) and the way populations are tallied and contribute.

But really, I just want to go on and on about Elyse Stonebrook, the Dragon-Herald, whose followers meet in their homes by night, in secret, desiring and plotting to live so that when they die they do not weep at death.

A comment I made in Josh Mannon ‘s Actual Play thread has me wondering: what are your top Apocalypse World AP…

A comment I made in Josh Mannon ‘s Actual Play thread has me wondering: what are your top Apocalypse World AP…

A comment I made in Josh Mannon ‘s Actual Play thread has me wondering: what are your top Apocalypse World AP reports? What posts have you read that you found super inspiring or really helpful or creepy as hell or just plain great reads? What made them so good? Links are hot if you have them!

Hi folks.

Hi folks.

Hi folks.

I’ve gone through and removed a lot of posts flagged as possible spam, but a very few are actually stuff that might be of interest to folks running AW games, so I’m just linking to the whole site instead of the articles that were individually posted.

There’s a fair amount of , well, stuff around the idea of preparing for disaster. I’m a former EMT who lives in an area where I can grow some food, and we have extreme weather sometimes. So yeah, I like to have extra canned goods on hand, especially if I grew the food myself (yay black raspberry jam!). Am I building a bunker to withstand the apocalypse? No.

Anyway, here’s the link. I’m thinking of opening a new subsection called Possibly Useful Stuff, for everything from this link to images of  decaying Detroit to photo-gallerys of innovative futuristic clothing available now if you have scads of money. What do y’all think? Good idea or just another place to look for stuff?

