Hi folks. I’m starting up a new game of The Sprawl with friends. The PCs are: a murdery cyberninja Infiltrator, a murdery repoman Hunter, a cars-and-cyberware Tech, and a gang-and-crews Fixer.
The Infiltrator, Hunter, and Tech are easy to make missions for. However, I’m struggling to fit the Fixer into the scheme. She’s specc’d her character out to be a bit more “hands off” from the direct action, making her character more like a broker (Her hustles are Brokering Deals and Debt Collection, and she took Backup +loyal +mobile).
Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas how I can make sure her character doesn’t feel like just the “Quest Giver” ? Specifically, what kind of things can I throw at the Fixer during the Action Phase that would make her a bit more involved, even if she may not physically be at the mission site with the rest of the team?
Thanks everyone!