Ok, now that I’ve come with the Barrio stat for my #NahualRPG, I started working on moves to use with that stat. Streetwise related moves. And I usually work Spanish first, then translate from there.
So I came up with this move, I’m calling “Duelo de albures” and well, I don’t even know how to explain it in English! But let me try: albures are a kind of verbal fight where your objective is to humiliate your opponent with sexual talk, mostly saying that you’ll fuck them, BUT you can’t use direct sexual expressions, it has to be always with wordplay and hidden sense.
So… I’m asking myself, is this move really necessary? It’s heavily Mexican, and I’m sure Mexican (and maybe some Latino) players will have a good laugh with it. Also the move will serve as a stress release mechanic, so there is that. But I think the move is only possible during leisure moments on the fiction, with an audience around (since the main intention is to humiliate in front of others), so a Cantina is a most likely scenario for this move.
Now all that say, I don’t even know how to translate the move to English, because I wrote the 10+/7-9/6- results themselves in albur style! Perhaps I should just do a plain translation and go with it, or maybe leave that move only for the Spanish edition, but I really don’t want to open that door!
So it has been pointed out to me by azlath (who is currently working on the very cool looking #NahualRPG [which I…
So it has been pointed out to me by azlath (who is currently working on the very cool looking #NahualRPG [which I just realized has a beta!!!]) that my grammar could use some work! This is what happens when you let your Spanish dry up!
First off: Pasión is a feminine word, therefore it should be Pasión de LAS.
Secondly: When you pluralize Pasión, it loses the accent! Just saying it out-loud, you can feel that difference.
Rebranding may take a little while to do, but I’m going to start doing it! Let me know if I miss some places or if it causes any issues!
Either way, let’s get back to another episode of… Pasión de las Pasiones!
Here, the short description for the new playbook concepts for #NahualRPG
Here, the short description for the new playbook concepts for #NahualRPG
The Jaguar
You are the perfect predator, a creature of the night. Lethal in combat and stealth. Strong, fearless, proud, solitary and ever stern. You always push yourself—and others—too hard. You are at the top of the food chain.
The Serpent
You are a sensual manipulator. Very social, charming, but without any real relation or attachment. Merciless. You have the power to heal, but also the power to kill with your venom. You are patient and cold blooded, always waiting for the right moment to strike.
The Dog
You have a gregarious personality and a very loyal nature. But you can be pretty violent when provoked. And even though you possess a strong sense of duty, you have an inner wild side that can get out of control. You are the ultimate tracker and a perfect guide on the underworld.
The Eagle
A born leader, you project security and a regal bearing. With a strong character and stubborn temperament, you can’t stand taking orders. You are arrogant, because you fly above everyone else, way high. This position, though, allows you to analyze situations with great precision.
The Armadillo
With a noble and peaceful heart, you usually shield it with a strong shell that makes you seem cold and distant. You are an incorruptible protector, an example of resistance and perseverance. You reaction to any threat is always to stand and endure, rather than fight back.
The Bat
Stealthy assassin. You have a taciturn and somber demeanor. Although you are blind, you can see beyond the mundane world. As a creature of the underworld, you keep a connection between the material world and the spiritual one. You have a dark side that you try to hide.
The Deer
With enviable beauty and grace. Nimble and slippery, you prefer to keep your distance when threatened, even if you have an outstanding physical potential. You run like brother wind, and strike with lightning speed.
The Monkey
You are smart, inquisitive and creative, with artistic and scientific tendencies. A genius techie. Your curiosity is always getting you in trouble, and you rarely take life seriously. You always put fun first, obligations later.
The Tlacuache
You are a scoundrel and party animal. A talented thief and skillful deceiver. You love drinking and the good life. You hate duty and commitments. Although you are not very brave, you are cunning and pretty resilient. When you play death, you can withstand literally anything.
The Axolotl
You are unique, with qualities so weird that you are wanted by many. You posses great mental and regenerative powers. You are an eternal infant and a shapeshifter. You fear death above anything else, and you’ll do anything to keep it away. Despite all of this, you always bear a happy smile.
I’ve been pondering long about this issue in my #NahualRPG : How I handle the playbooks and the nahual animals.
I’ve been pondering long about this issue in my #NahualRPG : How I handle the playbooks and the nahual animals.
Because in Mexican culture a Nahual is most commonly a brujo or shaman that can transform into an animal.
So far, I have defined the playbooks as common character archetypes: the tough character, the stealthy character, the smart character, the sexy character, etc. And then I would have the animals as a second layer.
The thing is, for a while now, I’ve been thinking that my archetype playbooks lack originality (after all, can an archetype be original?), they are too universal, and by that I mean that you can apply them to any game, theme or genre. They are cool, sure, but are lacking on theme and flavor. Specially in a Mexican game about brujos nahuales.
Then I saw mister Jason Morningstar in a conference in Finland (on youtube of course, I don’t have the pleasure of visiting Finland yet) about hacking AW. And as I listened to him talking about early stages of Night Witches and how they had these other playbooks, but in the end they were only noise, so they removed them, I realize that this may be my case too.
I’ve been trying hard to keep my early choice of playbooks for one main reason (I think), I feel that getting rid of them will be a huge setback and that may discourage the people that is supporting me in Patreon. I’ve already took too long in writing this game, and even with the late revisions some people had been already stepping out. And I don’t blame them, I feel really bad about that because the fault is mine alone. I feel I’ve disappointed them!
But then, at the same time, I feel an obligation to my patrons, and to myself, to do a good job. I know my game won’t be perfect, I’m a novice designer and of course there will be a lot of things I won’t be doing right, but I’m sure about one thing, I don’t want to be left with a feeling that I didn’t give my best, and that’s what matters to me the most.
So, I have this strong feeling that my first choice of playbooks is lacking theme, and that it will be better to base those playbooks on specific animals with a strong Mexican folkloric feel. I guess I have to go that route and start my playbooks from scratch, even if that means ending up with only a few patrons. I apologize to those who may feel disappointed by my decision and thank them for the support so far.
As for everything else, it will stay pretty much as is, the stats, the basic moves, etc.
All that said, from now on the old playbooks (the Hard, the Shield, the Opportunist, the Sneaky, the Nerd, the Seducer, the Leader and the Tumbler) will change to:
Working on my playbooks for #NahualRPG, I’m realizing that they’ll have a lot (about 20ish) of improvements options…
Working on my playbooks for #NahualRPG, I’m realizing that they’ll have a lot (about 20ish) of improvements options to buy with “XP”. What do you think about it? Is that too much?