New chapter of #NahualRPG is on. It’s about the first session of play, I included this idea, what do you think?

New chapter of #NahualRPG is on. It’s about the first session of play, I included this idea, what do you think?

New chapter of #NahualRPG is on. It’s about the first session of play, I included this idea, what do you think?


• What is your greatest desire in life?

• What do you hate most in the world?

• What is the worst thing you have done because of your Vice?

Before anything else, ask the players to answer to these three questions. You’ll notice they are phrased to address the characters not the players, so ask them to answer them as their character. Let know the players that depending on the answers, you will give them XP; the more interesting, personal or troubled the answer, the more XP they’ll get. For each answer you’ll give the character 0-3 XP at your discretion. As a general guide, you can give 0 points if the answer is mediocre, ambiguous or without commitment for the character, and up to 3 points if the answer presents a conflict on a golden plate or it gives you a first draft of an antagonist.”

A new illustration for the #NahualRPG , a Mexican game based on Edgar Clement’s universe and Powered by the…

A new illustration for the #NahualRPG , a Mexican game based on Edgar Clement’s universe and Powered by the…

A new illustration for the #NahualRPG , a Mexican game based on Edgar Clement’s universe and Powered by the Apocalypse.

A small scenario to use with the Beta Playtest of #NahualRPG . A PbtA Mexican game of Nahuales, Angels and Diablos.

A small scenario to use with the Beta Playtest of #NahualRPG . A PbtA Mexican game of Nahuales, Angels and Diablos.

A small scenario to use with the Beta Playtest of #NahualRPG . A PbtA Mexican game of Nahuales, Angels and Diablos.

Beta Playtest for the PbtA game #NahualRPG available for download here:

Beta Playtest for the PbtA game #NahualRPG available for download here:

Beta Playtest for the PbtA game #NahualRPG available for download here:

Here is a new chapter of #nahualrpg

Here is a new chapter of #nahualrpg

Here is a new chapter of #nahualrpg . After a hurricane ( #odilecabo  ) and a hard trip, I’m back in my home town now. I need to find a new job, but meanwhile I’ll keep working on this project, relying on my dear Patrons to have some income. #showmustgoon

Nahual RPG is a Mexican role-playing game Powered by the Apocalypse. Please support us at

The first original art for the #NahualRPG is done. Pencils are by Edgar Clement, color by me.

The first original art for the #NahualRPG is done. Pencils are by Edgar Clement, color by me.

The first original art for the #NahualRPG is done. Pencils are by Edgar Clement, color by me.

Nahual is a Mexican role-playing game #poweredbytheapocalypse about nahuales hunting angels and demons. You can find more about it here and if you like what you see and want to support us, you can do it here:

A small video about Edgar Clement, his work as a comic artist and the universe where #nahualrpg is set.

A small video about Edgar Clement, his work as a comic artist and the universe where #nahualrpg is set.

A small video about Edgar Clement, his work as a comic artist and the universe where #nahualrpg is set. Nahual RPG is a Mexican role-playing game about nahuales and angels. And its Powered by Vincent Baker ‘s #ApocalypseWorld. (The video has English subtitles)