Anyone going to be at ValorCon this weekend? I’ve printed the Masks materials, wouldn’t mind a pickup game (schedules permitting).
Anyone going to be at ValorCon this weekend?
Anyone going to be at ValorCon this weekend?
Anyone going to be at ValorCon this weekend?
Anyone going to be at ValorCon this weekend? I’ve printed the Masks materials, wouldn’t mind a pickup game (schedules permitting).
Bouncer is ready for trouble. Magpie Games #halcyonjailbreak #masksrpg
Bouncer is ready for trouble. Magpie Games #halcyonjailbreak #masksrpg
So happy Urban Shadows is finalized. It looks great!
So happy Urban Shadows is finalized. It looks great!
One small thing, though: my Veteran sheet in the Playbooks befell a formatting mishap. The Harm boxes don’t line up with the lines and the bottom two actually fall too low, covering up the “When you” in the paragraph below explaining Harm. I downloaded the file a second time from DTRPG and it’s still there. Has this happened to anyone else?
I’m not really a wrestling fan but I really do like WWWRPG.
I’m not really a wrestling fan but I really do like WWWRPG. Been struggling with inspiration for what kind of character I would like to play. then I remembered there’s a great wrestling chapter in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year door and one of my favorite characters from that game is Rawk Hawk. I think he’d be a Heel Anti-Hero. Mario is, of course, a Baby Face Golden Boy. The various other wrestlers that Mario triumphs over on his way to the top would be Jobbers and what not.
Silly as it is, this is helping me grok WWWRPG.
It’s true, I do like Eric Clapton.
It’s true, I do like Eric Clapton.
Todd and Megan talk about Time Cellist, Kickstarter, and include anecdotes from various play tests. minds (I count as a plurality!): why Wheel Tree?
Inquiring minds (I count as a plurality!): why Wheel Tree?
In a few hours I’m headed to a local game meetup and I’ve pitched Urban Shadows in the hopes of getting at least two…
In a few hours I’m headed to a local game meetup and I’ve pitched Urban Shadows in the hopes of getting at least two sessions in to be named Champions in the book.
Any advice for a first time Urban Shadows GM? I’m relatively new to running Apocalypse World games in general – ran a PbP AW game, a session or two of DungeonWorld, and a few play test sessions of my own dark fantasy hack.
Having read the archetypes now, I’m mulling them over a bit.
Having read the archetypes now, I’m mulling them over a bit. I watched Blade a few weeks ago (don’t judge me) and I like how nicely Whistler can be mapped out with archetypes – he’s a Hunter who advanced and became a Veteran.
Finally got a chance to read the play books today.
Finally got a chance to read the play books today. Corruption is a really, really great idea. Adding that cycle along with XP makes for some intriguing game play, especially considering some archetypes can’t retire to safety. There’s a lot to chew on there. Gonna muddle it over a bit but I’m really digging it so far.