So, what Xenos have you created? I’m playing around with the idea of an Uplifted, Gene-modded Cephalopod (Octopus).
Independent Society.
There are a couple paths I could go here, if they have Telepathy and Telekinetic Flight, that would help them communicate and get around in the air. Alternatively, the could rely on tech and wear an outfit which grants them mobility. I like the idea of the more hard science version, but their camouflage ability would be lost inside the suit…
What are the assumptions made when you make Xenos? Do they default to human-like abilities? In other words, do I need to buy Locomotion Swim and assume they can now walk? Or they can obviously swim, and I need to buy the ability to walk?
I’m curious about any ideas for this ‘Xeno’ you might have, and I’d be interested in hearing of other Xenos you’ve played with.