Session two of Masks and where the group couldn’t fail a roll last time, they succeeded maybe twice now.

Session two of Masks and where the group couldn’t fail a roll last time, they succeeded maybe twice now.

Session two of Masks and where the group couldn’t fail a roll last time, they succeeded maybe twice now.

They tracked Helium Horror to the North Halcyon Wildlife Reserve which was transformed into a prehistoric jungle years ago. He was tweeting #totesgonnafloat and other threats which got the gang’s attention. They saw a school trip out there, tried discovering who Helium Horror was and spooked everyone instead.

They found a group of villains fracking the park and their main guard, Bear Arms. He was a giant of a man with bears for arms and those bears were armed with guns.

The kids were saved, but Helium Horror got away and Bear Arms retreated to inside the fracking facility. He’ll be the threat for next week.

Extraordinarious was beaten up by a fourteen year old, Stalker fell on his face and Apollo learnt that human kids can be mean.

We also had the first mention of the head of The Periodic Table of Evil… King Karbon!