Shameless plug! :)

Shameless plug! 🙂

Shameless plug! 🙂

Originally shared by Kirt Dankmyer

So, I’ve been working on something for quite a while now, and I put up a pretty extensive, playable preview for free / Pay What You Want.

It’s called CROSS WORLD, and it’s a post-apocalyptic science fantasy supplement for Dungeon World!

Here’s the pitch:

Remember when you were twelve years old, and the most AWESOME thing you could think of was a world stuffed full of everything kewl? You know, a world with magick, laser weapons, psionics, skulls, mecha, plasma axes, biotech, skulls, rune weapons, nuclear grenades, uncontrolled AIs, and skulls…

It’s time to return to that world. In Cross World, the entirety of planet Earth has turned into a nexus for other universes. Because that is AWESOME.

While this is a sample, there are enough classes, races, and other material in this to run a complete Cross World game. All you need is Dungeon World or the Dungeon World SRD and a desire to be AWESOME.
