I just dug up an old hack I was working on for playing war stories from the perspective of covert ops agents and…

I just dug up an old hack I was working on for playing war stories from the perspective of covert ops agents and…

I just dug up an old hack I was working on for playing war stories from the perspective of covert ops agents and resistance members operating in secret behind enemy lines.

I was looking over it and I still like it quite a bit, so I’m thinking I should dust it off and see if I could shape it up a bit.

I bet there’s some stuff I can learn from The Regiment as well, so I’ll probably give that another read soon.

However, I thought I’d share it here first to sew if anyone else thought it was interesting or hand any ideas or criticism that there like to share.

Here is a link to the Google Docs folder if you’re interested in checking it out: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0Bwlzs00rtoz_ZWE2N2UzNzAtYjQ2NC00ZGM2LThjYzAtY2E3YTliNzEyNGMz/edit

One thought on “I just dug up an old hack I was working on for playing war stories from the perspective of covert ops agents and…”

  1. I’m not too familiar with the genre but it seems pretty solid. I like the concept of stress, and having 2nd tier to the playbook (civilian, veteran, spy). The only thing I would suggest right now is that you polish it up and put all of the rules into a central file, and only separate out the playbooks. Clicking open multiple tabs for short documents about the same thing is a little unwieldy.

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