Good morning guys!

Good morning guys!

Good morning guys!

Kyle Simons and Adam Bosarge, you have done an awesome job with Worlds in Peril, for me and the brazilian fans, it’s the best game of the genre. I’ve been asked by the players fan base if there’s any chance to bring this book to brazilian portuguese.

So, I know the text content is CCed, can I translate it? Do you have any interest to expand the limits of your super powers in my beloved country? 😉

Are you interested to negotiate? I’d love to make this dream come true.

One thought on “Good morning guys!”

  1. Hi Alisson!

    Like you say, the text is all CC so you can totally translate it and do what you want with it. We do have some deals right now to get WiP translated into Korean and Spanish so far, I believe. The only reason for those deals is because they want to use the art and layout assets and all that stuff. If you want to go that route as well we can definitely talk. You can email me over at samjokopublishing (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks for your interest!

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